Chapter Five

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"I'm heading out now," Yuhi announced to the employees. "Toriyama's the closing manager tonight, so listen to him!"

"Right!" his employees called back to him.

Yuhi managed to hang onto his smile as he left Happy Lucky, saying goodnight to the regular patrons who were eating their dinner. The moment he left the restaurant however the smile dropped from his face. He checked his phone for the time. 17:35. He hated taking the train home at this time of the day, but he was exhausted and just wanted to go home. He shoved his cell phone into his coat pocket and headed down the sidewalk towards his station. After taking five steps however, he heard thunder rumble overhead. He quickly glanced skyward and saw dark clouds.

Great. I didn't bring an umbrella with me today.

Yuhi had to run to the station, but he was still caught up in the downpour. He stood in the overly crowded train, surrounded by other wet and miserable people. Though he didn't know how anyone's misery could compare to his.

I'm under so much pressure at work, and I've lost all my friends. And I can't talk to my family about it, because—

"Are you saying you were raped?"

Yuhi made a violent lurching noise from the memory and quickly covered his mouth. A few other riders tried to move away from him, but as the train was crowded they were unable to do so.

As Yuhi's apartment was one stop away from Happy Lucky he didn't have far to travel, but the rain was still coming down in sheets when he left the station. He held his backpack over his head while he ran, but his clothes still become soaked. His apartment building was five stories tall, with his small apartment on the third floor, but the entrance had a small shelters where residents kept their bikes and mopeds. Yuhi stopped in the shelter first before going up to his apartment, hunching over to catch his breath. When he straightened, he was shocked to feel tears slip down his cheeks. He scrubbed at his eyes furiously with his sleeve and shook his head, glad that he was alone. "Stop it," he hissed to himself. "It's done. Whatever—it was, it's done."

Yuhi honestly didn't know what would be worse; the current situation where everyone thought that he was playing both Kyoya and Shibuya, or for everyone to find out that he didn't consent to the sex with Shibuya. He had already seen one person's reaction to Yuhi's retelling of what happened. He didn't want to think about how his friends or his family—oh God, my family—would react to the truth.

Shibuya, he...even if I echo what Komatsu said, Shibuya could—he could argue that I'm lying because I...responded to him.

That was what made it worse for Yuhi. That was why he was so...conflicted about how to identify what had happened that night. He had said "no" and he knew that he hadn't wanted to do it with Shibuya, but his body...his body responded. It had felt good, and he had orgasmed. Rape was an act of violence, wasn't it? But Shibuya hadn't been violent when he had touched Yuhi. Far from it.

I hadn't wanted to do it, but I—my body—I didn't want it but I couldn't stop my reactions! And Shibuya, he—he could just tell everyone that I did respond! Well, he doesn't need to say anything because I already said that it was just sex!

"Haaaa!" Yuhi yelled and scrubbed both hands through his hair furiously. He rapped his knuckles on both sides of his head. "Get out of my head! I don't want to think about anymore!"

He stepped out into the rain and let it wash over his face. Wash over his tears. If his neighbors happened to see his face wet, they would know that it was caused by the rain and not his tears. was refreshing. Like he was taking a cleansing shower.

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