Chapter Two

12 1 0

June 26th, 2020

Yuhi rubbed both hands over his face before slamming his hands down on the surface of the desk. "I don't understand number 14."

"If it makes you feel better, I don't understand it either Yuhi," Shibuya said. He was wearing a mask as they all were, but Yuhi could hear the smile in his voice.

Yuhi smiled at him, but he heaved himself up from his chair. "Did anyone get the answer to number 14 on the Math homework?"

Those of his classmates in the homeroom who gave him acknowledgment all said no. Yuhi scoffed and flopped back into his chair. "We have a test on Monday. How am I supposed to pass the test if I can't figure out one problem?"

"Don't sweat the small stuff, Yuhi," Shibuya reassured him. His best friend reached over and patted his shoulder reassuringly. "One problem isn't going to fail you."

"I can't attend cram school because of my job. I have to get this right on the first try."

"So quit your job—"

"Never!" Yuhi quickly interjected, but he saw Shibuya was laughing again. He swatted at him. "Jerk."

"Well, we can both fail the test together then," Shibuya offered.

"I don't want to fail the test. I want..." Yuhi idly looked around their homeroom as he spoke, but then he noticed a boy two rows over reading a book in silence. He wan't doing the homework.

Does he have it done?

"I'll be right back," Yuhi said, snatching up his worksheet and standing up.

"Yuhi?" Shibuya called after him.

"Excuse me," Yuhi said when he reached the boy's desk. "Urishima?"

Urishima glanced up at him. He didn't give a verbal response, but held Yuhi's gaze with a cold expression.

"Um," Yuhi said awkwardly, rubbing his nape. "Urishima, do you have the Math homework done?"

"Yes," Urishima said bluntly. He reached into his bag and pulled out the worksheet

"Oh good!" Yuhi exclaimed. "About question 14–"

"The answer is 30," Urishima said, and then shoved the worksheet back into his bag. The classmates surrounding them immediately scribbled '30' onto the line for question 14.

"Okay, thanks?" Yuhi said sarcastically. "How does that help me, Urishima?"

"It's the answer, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how to get 30! What does knowing this answer help me when this question comes up again and needs a different answer?"

Urishima stared at him for another long moment. Then he turned back to his schoolbag and retrieved the worksheet again. "Here." He handed it to Yuhi.

"Ooh, let me see!" Shibuya ran over and looked over Yuhi's shoulder. He glanced at the page for a moment moments before making at face. "I didn't think number 9 required that much work! That's more work than what I did!"

Yuhi ignored Shibuya for the moment and studied number 14. Urishima's handwriting was very neat, and his formal as were surprisingly easy to follow. He shouted and slapped a hand over his eyes. "There! That's the spot I messed up!" He pointed to the work. "I started that part with the wrong formula!"

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