Chapter One

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August 22nd, 2028

Tuesdays were usually the slowest night of the week for Happy Lucky. So it took Yuhi completely by surprise that the restaurant was as packed as it would be on the weekend.

"Here you are," Yuhi said, setting the plates down on the table for the young women. "And I apologize for the wait."

"Don't worry about it," one responded, smiling flirtatiously at Yuhi. "It looks amazing, so the wait is worth it!"

"Enjoy." Yuhi turned to hurry up to the front counter to expedite and deliver the meals, when something caught his eye. He saw the familiar waitress in a booth with a customer. He heard laughter and enthusiastic conversation as the individual flirted shamelessly with the young man in the seat.

Rolling his eyes, Yuhi stormed over to the booth. Without breaking stride, he grabbed the waitress by their arm and pulled them out of the booth. "Excuse us," he said quickly to the customer. To the waitress he discreetly hissed, "This is a restaurant, Riiko, not a host club! Stop making the customers wait for their food!"

Komatsu pouted at him playfully. "Understood, Keieisha." Komatsu quickly leaned up and planted a huge kiss on Yuhi's cheek. Yuhi stiffened, feeling Komatsu's lipstick smear against his cheek. He paused in his tracks and counted to ten as Komatsu daintily skipped to the next table.

Yuhi scrubbed at his cheek with his handkerchief as he turned to another table. "How is everything?"

"Excellent," the man said, talking with his mouth full. "This is the best hot pot I've ever had!"

"Thank you for your compliment. I will be sure to pass it along to the chefs." Yuhi kept his smile on, even as he felt irritation from the oily sensation of lipstick on his cheek. It was reassuring at least to see Komatsu actually working. Despite the circumstances, things were flowing smoothly that night. Yuhi hadn't waited on tables in a long time, so it pleased him to see how naturally it came to him again.

Waiting tables didn't fit his job criteria anymore, now that he was a manager. But when an employee named Gorudo arrived to work sick—raspy cough and runny nosee—Yuhi had to make a judgment call. So he sent Gorudo home to rest and took over his responsibilities. It would make Yuhi fall behind in the work he was supposed to be taking care of, but the customers came first and it was important that Gorudo get well.

As he resumed expediting the orders, he saw a familiar face come through the restaurant's front doors. Yuhi smiled eagerly at the buxom, beautiful woman who casually strolled in. "Good evening, Souga-san."

"Isozaka-san, Tsukumo-san," the woman corrected him lightly. She held up her left hand to show off her wedding ring. "I'm a married woman now, remember? But Harumi-san will be fine."

Yuhi laughed, but quickly sobered as he turned to the large carryout bento waiting on the counter behind him. "So how is Sensei doing, Harumi-san? I heard he's had a hard time of it."

Harumi nodded, but sighed irritably. "It's an adjustment for him, and for me since we are no longer working together. But you know that Sensei does little to sustain himself, and I'm used to taking up the task of taking care of him. He never leaves his apartment anyways unless he has to attend a function or meeting. I'm doing him this favor, since we did work together for so long."

"I hope he can get back on his feet," Yuhi commented. "He is one of the most famous mangaka in Japan, after all." He brought the carryout bento to the front counter. "That will be 5,261 yen, please."

Harumi paid for the meal, still smiling. "One of these days I'll drag Sensei out of his apartment and we'll eat here together. Even though he doesn't take care of his own basic needs, he loves the food from this restaurant."

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