"Don't bother. Your dragon will die soon. It's not like you care about it either way..."

Baran's gaze returned to the young man in front of him. His orange eyes looked up at him since he was kneeling in front of him. His body didn't have the strength of fighting back against this humiliation he suffered.

"W... What happened to you?"

Y/N took some time to answer.

"I don't quite know myself. I was thinking you might have some answers about it since you're so close to Cain which I am sadly related to. It's may have something to do with my heritage because I don't think God cast a blessing upon me."

Baran's gaze went down to the ground avoiding Y/N's intense yet calm eyes.

"So? Something you want to share?"

"Will you kill me?"

The servant asked blatantly to the young Dragon Emperor who just breathed softly.

"No. Even if you speak or not I won't kill you. You're just a pitiful creature, I don't want to kill you. Like an injured dog. Even if your past arrogance bothered me, I don't hate you. In fact, you helped to get this unknown power. So I won't kill you, but that is just human nature, having sympathy towards the weak."

Baran was in no way near weak. In fact, he was amongst the strongest beings he ever confronted but what made him weak in his eyes was the fact that he was just a slave to the scum of a man. With his power he could do so much more yet he conforms to being the tool of the disgraceful.


Needless to say that the sudden change of attitude from Baran made him a little curious. He went from an arrogant and hateful beast to a more meek and cowardly one.

"I don't know anything. The only thing that I am sure of is that your resemblance to Cain only increased. But solid details... I am afraid I don't have."

Y/N hummed.

"About my resemblance to Cain... That's something I don't wish to hear. But I believe that you don't know anything. I mean why would you? You're just a slave, who would share valuable information with the likes of you?"

As he said that he walked closer to Baran each step he took made Baran's heart beat faster.

But in contrast to what he thought Y/N would do he just passed by him and looked at the sky with a thoughtful face with his hands behind his back.

"You fought well, Baran. But I cannot help to think of you as trash when I remember that you're under the command of Cain. Why follow such a spiteful man when you're so powerful?"

"I follow the strongest and Cain has proven more than enough that he is the one."

Y/N hummed as he turned back to see Baran.

"Smart. You follow the one who is bound to win, that's clever. But you're a coward. It means that it doesn't matter how bad that person is or treats you'll still eat from their hand. Pathetic."

Baran scoffed.

"I don't care about being a coward or pathetic, I just want to survive and if I must throw away my pride and shame to do so, then so be it."

"Yet your o' so mighty master sent you here, Baran. Cain sent you here to die, for me to kill you just to fan the flames of his entertainment. But I will show him that I am not the source of his entertainment. I will not amuse him by killing you... No. I am not like him. I'll do things my way."

A small smirk grew on him but it disappeared when a loud noise that made the ground tremble made him turn back.

The white dragon was lying dead on the ground as Beru and Igris were above it triumphantly.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now