Elora just laughed "what, your mad because I took Elaina from you? how sweet, couldn't sleep without your little whore huh?" she chuckled

I cut her cheek, and I saw the blood dripping down. Elora hissed by the pain "say her name one more time and I'll make sure cutting your cheek is not going to be the only thing that will be painful" I said

"Is that the best you got?" she taunted, flicking her tongue out and tasting her own blood. She had energy after we gave her some water and food to keep her going just the slightest bit. 

I gave her a death look, and I took the alcohol and added it to her freshly cut wound "fuck," she exhaled shaking her head and giving me another grin. "Wow, you know, this is actually pretty hot of you, it's really turning me on, I don't think she would mine if I have sex with you right?" she laughed

I hadn't noticed Marcus had grabbed a knife, until he put the knife on her abdomen "sorry, I couldn't help myself" Marcus apologized, taking a step backwards

I really didn't care; she didn't mean anything to me either way "just because you're a woman doesn't mean we won't hurt you" I said

I got a cloth filled with alcohol and put it near her fresh cut, not close, but close enough for her to start talking

"Why did you do it?" I asked, gradually putting to cloth closer to her cut, until it finally made contact with her cut. Her eyes were pleading me to stop but Elora was stubborn

"I'm not telling you shit." She hissed, her wrist starting to thrash again the chains. I shrugged, putting more pressure to her cut until a panicked whimper left her lips.

"stop" She gasped, her knees buckling from the pain. I didn't stop.

"Tell me why you did it, why did you to take her to that horrible place" I demanded

"Fuck you" Elora snapped, barring her bloodied and broken teeth at me. "Very well" I said, grabbing the knife, and putting it deeper in the same spot where Marcus had stabbed her.

Elora screamed, her actions turning up a notch to a violent level. I really thought the knife would go through her skin.

"Stop!" Elora yelled out, shutting her eyes and I watched with a blank face "you know what you have to do, Elora. I'm not going to stop" I taunted, clenching my hand forcefully.

"you're going to have a whole on your abdomen if you don't tell me your agenda, Elora" I yelled out, putting all my anger into it.

"Fuck, fuck! Okay, okay, okay! I'll tell you, just stop please." She screamed, breathing heavily with tears streaming down her cheek. Where did the so tough girl go?

"No" I shook my head "you tell me then I'll stop" I said smirking when I saw a lot of blood dripping down her shirt

"Fuck! I wanted her dead, just like my dad wanted her dead. When our mom died, she didn't even dare to save her. She loved Elaina more than me, I just wanted to be loved my both my parents" she yelled

Throwing her head back and I paused, removing the knife from her and taking a step back "why? You had your father... Her mother died, and you still had your father" I yelled at her "I just wanted her to suffer" she was crying

"Why the act? She saved you from a fucking kidnapper, who tortured you!" I said "that right there was an act so I can get close to her, since I knew you never trusted me, but I had to gain your trust somehow." She finally said

I put the knife down... and I grabbed the gun "Wait, what are you doing?"

Holding the gun to my side as I returned to Elora. "You are not telling me what I want to know." I raised the gun, pointing it between her eyebrows

"3" I started



"Shit! Please don't shoot! I was jealous, okay?! I worked my ass off for my father, only for him to tell he was going to kill her Infront of me, I really didn't want to see that, so he said he would kill me instead, he betrayed me because he thought she would be good use for him ok! she always gets away with everything, I swear, I really didn't want her to be the one to get shot. I just wanted to see pain her eyes" Elora screamed her voice laced with agony.

I didn't care anyway, her words meant nothing to me. I shot her, and she fell to the floor.

"Come on, I'll make one of the men clean it up" I told Marcus

A phone tinged in the Now silent room and Marcus collected it from his pocket. He smiled widely and looked at me, and that's when I knew. Tears flooded my eyes immediately and I let out a sad but relived chuckle. "she's awake." Marcus confirmed with a nod

Elaina was finally awake...


I entered the hospital room and she was asleep, my only thought was, 'I couldn't protect you'. I walked over to the side of the bed, and sat down on the chair. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. She was under a lot of medicine so she was in a deep sleep.

"I really thought I lost you" I said in a whisper voice. "I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again, I really thought I wouldn't sleep ever again in my life, and live without you" my whisper voice was so low that I could barely hear myself.

"When you wake up, I really hope you do well" I got up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I breathed in and breathed out. I went over to a piece of paper, and I looked back at Elaina "I'm sorry my angle" I said

"You are braver than you believe. Stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most Important thing is even if we are apart, I'll always be with you. How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. My heart and I agree, that you and I could never be, so with my best... my very best. I set you free

I love you my beautiful angel, I'm saying this because I actually do love you, but I can't have you be in danger anymore. Go live you life, like a normal person like you would.

Sincerely Lionel Hernandez"

I walked away, knowing that when she wakes up, she will be far away from me. I sighed and left the room, without leaving a trace, but that note....

A single tear dropped...

This is the end of unexpected

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This is the end of unexpected...

If you guys don't mind, tell your friends or anyone to read this book. Would mean so much.

This was my first ever book, and a lot have liked it.

And I hope for the new ones to like it too. ❤️

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