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i can't believe Lionel really asked me to be his. i mean isn't it the same as me being his girlfriend?. i'm just saying it's the same. omg i'm finally his girlfriend, omg, but wait i thought he was just using me as a toy, or for my body. 

"Elaina?" Lionel said, making me forget about my thoughts. "yeah?" i said back, barley coming back to reality. "are you ok? your zoning out?" he said, we were still in the hospital since we're still waiting for the doctor to come back with papers.

i was sitting down in bed next to him. "yeah, umm sorry i was thinking about something" i said back "what were you thinking about?" he said "i was thinking about-" i stopped mid sentence wondering if i should tell him or not, i mean i really wanna know

"Elaina?" Lionel said "yeah, umm, i was just thinking about that time i thought you were using me, i mean i'm not even sure if you did or not. " i said "Elaina, i was never using you." Lionel said

"then why did you leave me there like nothing" i said with almost tears in my eyes "i left you there because i wasn't sure if i was making the right decision" he said

"what do you mean?" i said back "i did it with you because i thought it was the right time and moment, but then i remembered that i didn't want to put you in danger and i didn't want to drag you with me into the mafia. i didn't want you to have that life" he said

"why couldn't you tell me this before?" i said "you left when i was gonna tell you, and plus you wouldn't talk to me" LIonel said "omg... i am so sorry Lionel, i feel like an idiot now" i said back. i wanna cry now, i really do feel sorry, he wanted to explain it to me for a long time already but i kept ignoring him, and plus i went and moved in with Oliver, the one who almost tried to kill me, but accidentally shot Lionel

"what are you afraid of? having to do with love i mean"  he asked me, his eyes staring at me intently. i pulled my gaze and turned to look out the window.

"i'm afraid that one day, i won't find someone who loves me for who i am. i'm afraid that maybe someone won't ever love the way i laugh or the way my eyes light up, like in all the poems and stories. maybe i'm scared that what i am isn't enough or maybe it's too much. i'm afraid that if i try to be more than i am, i won't be loved by anyone. i don't show a lot of people who i actually am on the inside and i'm afraid that if i do, no one will ever love me." he looked away now now staring at the window.

"me too"

"you think no one will ever love you?" i said "i'm worried that no one will like the deep bad part of me." he said "but... i like that side of you... even your sweet side" i said back "that's because it's you, your my..." he paused mid sentence "my happiness" he finally said

he really said it, i'm his happiness. i started to blush not knowing if he saw me "so when the hell are we getting out of here?" lionel said "until the doctor comes back with the paper so that we can both sign" i answered back

"how come you have to sign?" lionel said back "well, the doctor thinks we're husband and wife" i said not knowing if he would get mad, knowing that if someone thinks were married, then everyone will think were married "oh, makes sense" lionel said back

i'm surprised he had no reaction, probably because he was in bad condition? hmm who knows

*LIv's POV*

i had to figure out how to distract Lionel and Elaina. this is a very difficult job, but i'm not trying to get killed.

i sighed while i was heading out of the mansion. the fact that Mr. Velkov hated Elaina so much. when will he strike. i mean when is he actually going to prove to his people that he really hates Elaina.

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