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Lionel's POV*

A week had past and Elaina finally admitted that she has something for me. I've tried to kiss her and maybe do different things for her, but she just seems not to get it.

I haven't told her to be my girlfriend yet because I'm just not ready. I'm scared I'm gonna ruin it all. That if she ever gets hurt, it'll be my fault.

My priority right now is her. And well my job of course. "Hey Elaina" Lilith said giving her a hug

We were in the living room having a movie night. Eliana was next to me in one couch, and Lilith and Marcus, are in the couch.

I say that Elaina and I are something, but she probably thinks something else.......

Elaina's POV*
We're we're watching Marvel, which I chose of course. Marvel is one of the best movies I've seen. Especially when spidy boy is cute.

It's been a week and Lionel and I  have been kinda separate from each other. I think it's because of his job. But I'll change that, because I told Lilith to start a party at a club, which she now owns!

Im so happy for her. Lilith and I are still in college, but Marcus gave Lilith an opportunity to become a boss to see if she could handle being one.

Anyways where i was. I told Lilith to make a party. So now I have to change all sexy and hot, to Make Lionel fall on his knees for me.

"Lilith and I need to go, bye!" I said going up stairs. I want Lionel to show me, that he actually feels something for me. But I always think that he's probably hooking up many girls out there.

I mean look at me, I'm skinny but not that skinny. I don't have blond hair. And.... I'm just not perfect.

"Ok so what's the plan" Lilith said interrupting my thoughts "ok, so you make the party, at around
9:00 pm and we wait till there's people. I get dressed into something to revealing to get Lionel jealous, since i know he hates when guys look at me"

"Don't you think it's s little mean?" What why "no of course not" ok maybe

"I just think that he's not paying to much attention to you since he had work to do" she has a point but

"It's easy for you to say since your boyfriend doesn't do anything"

"He's... not my boyfriend, so just chill." Ok maybe I might be doing the wrong thing, but I don't know maybe its s good idea- no it's not-just shut up and let me finish my mission

"Ok so it's 7:00pm and I'm gonna get changed" said Lilith "ok, and I'm gonna take a shower" I said

We both went our separate ways and I went to take a shower.

I heard someone knocking but I just ignored it, since I locked the door..... I think. Oh shit did I lock the restroom door- ya I did- oh fuck, I don't know

I continue showering, but not until I hear the restroom door open. Your fucked- shut up I know. What the fuck do I do.

Yell and say that your the one taking a shower.- bitch, he or she probably already knows that someone is taking a shower.

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