The wrong Decision

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What the fuck did I do. That was wrong of me, I should've never left Elaina.

But what I did, was wrong, I can't be with someone I lo- like, and because of me, she'll end up getting kidnapped or getting hurt again.

I went to my office and sat down on my chair. I rested my head on the desk and just thought

"Dad, why are you making me do this?" I told my dad "I'm making you do this cause your already a big kid" I was only 12

My dad wanted me to have wed with someone who like what 20 years older than me. "But she go old for me"

He grabbed my collar and yelled at me "you fucking obey to me or else there will be consequences!" I was scared.

"Now im gonna leave you two alone, and when your done come to me. If you don't do it, she will tell me, and that will end up bad for you"

I nodded since I didn't want to get hurt by my own dad. He left the random girl and me alone.

I looked at her and she just kneeled down to my height "look kid, I know your scared, and I know you don't want to do this, so I'm gonna lie to your dad and tell him you did it with me"

I was pretty surprised by the words she chose, I thought she would yell at me or something if I didn't do it with her "but dad will know"

She smiled and then spoke again "all we have to do is make noice, trust me it'll be fun, and funny. If your dad hears the noises, then he'll think we're actually doing it"

She was pretty smart, so I agreed. It was really fun and funny like she said. That was honestly the first girl I've ever trusted my life with.

~End of thought~

Once I opened my eyes, I saw the clock and saw that it was almost 5 am.

"Fuck" I groaned to my self. I got up and went back upstairs. I opened the door to Elaina's room and thankfully she was asleep in her bed.

I know it was the wrong decision to do, and I know it was fucked up what I did, but I couldn't fucking think, she drives me crazy once she in control over me.

This girl is everything I need, but I still need to make sure her father along with Liv and her sister are gone.

Her sister is a whole other story, which I'm not gonna say yet, cause this girl has caused to many problems in my family.

Let's just say that she's a person who ruins everything.

I sighed and went back to my room. I went to bed and tried to go to sleep, but couldn't. All I was thinking about what Elaina.

She's never gonna trust me

She will never talk to me again

She probably thinks I'm like those other guys

She'll never forgive me.....

*Elaina's POV*
I woke up with a terrible headache, it was probably with all the overthinking.

After last night, I couldn't sleep at all. I came back to my room and took a shower. Elena was right, I should never let a man think I'm an easy girl to get.

I got up and went straight to the restroom to take a shower, I was too tired to even get ready but I had nothing else to do.

I was planning on not doing anything today, I really don't have motivation for anything. I've been through so much lately.

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