Never again

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I closed the door behind me and sighed. I wanted to cry to the point I felt numb. I just lost my bestfriend.

I wiped away my tears and walked downstairs. Lionel and Marcus were sitting down in the kitchen stools. "Hey" I said from the stairs.

"Oh hey Lilith, come, sit with us" Marcus said. I did as he asked me and sat down next to them. "Hey Lionel, I need to ask you something"

Lionel looks at me with a confused look "what is it?" I sighed, but then continued "what exactly happened between you and Elaina?"

Come on, Elaina never lies and i might of looked like a dumbass not knowing what she meant by using her. But I knew exactly what happened.

"I uh..... nothing why?" He was lying, I can always tell when they lie. Come on this isn't a tv show or a book story.

This dude literally exposed himself by saying 'I uh' come on every person in a show or movie says that. I'm not that dumb .

"Huh, ok" i didn't have much to say, and plus I didn't want to get him mad to the point he had to kick me out.

"Well Im gonna get ready so bye!" Your probably wondering, 'why are you getting ready Lilith? You should be taking care of Elaina instead'

Well here's the thing, Marcus actually told me he wanted to take me on a date, so I agreed. Marcus and I had our own love story.

But that's another story for you guys. This is all about Eliana and Lionel. So ya.

~Lionel's POV~
That was really weird what Lilith just told me? Wait did Elaina really tell her? Damn it.

I have to talk to Elaina, but not now, I have work to do.

I hurried up and finish my breakfast. Marcus ended up going on a date with Lilith. I got in the car and off I went.

I drove by this huge gate. I had to get off the car and once I was by the brig front doors, I had to put my fingerprint. And then I had to do an eye scanner.

Once the door opened there was another hall leading to a body scanner. It scanned me and it confirmed it. Yes I have a lot of security since this place is a very secret place.

I was finally at work. I was the boss of everything, so I could be late whenever I want. But I hate being late to things.

"Lionel!" A random but familiar voice said. I turned and saw "Sarah, omg!" I gave her a hug "what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see how you were doing?" Sarah was one of my very best assistants, and she always did her job well.

But she had to move out since people were now looking for her... because of me. We've had our moments, but I think she forgot.

"Oh wow, what happened with the new job you had in Mexico!" Sarah laughed it out "oh don't worry about that, just because I work as a doctor doesn't mean I can make excuses to come see my favorite person"

This girl can always be filled with so many surprises.
She the definition of perfect. Like her hair is a dirty blond but is always styled so perfect.

Her eyes are hazel and her body, let's just say she has the perfect body. I swear there was almost a point to where we almost went on a date.

"Wow that's crazy" I laughed a little. "Come on Lionel, why don't you take your old friend on a walk and let her explore this beautiful place."

"Well you could've said that in the first place" I know I had work to do, but I'm the boss here, and I say when the job is important or not.

"Wow Lionel, you did so many upgrades with this place" I chuckled a little "ya, that's because I actually tried this time"

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