Chapter Two

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Dream barely had time to turn around and hold out his hands as his friend barrelled into his arms. They both hold onto each other tightly, and Dream nuzzles his skull affectionately on top of Ink's.

"Ink! How have you been?" Dream reluctantly pulls away from the hug, before looking up and flushing. Students from all around had been staring over at them, and he ducks his head back down in embarrassment.

Ink smiles up at him giddily, "Well, art camp was really fun! It was my first time as a counsellor, and I made a couple of friends," Dream watched as his eyelights turned into stars, smiling softly.

Dream gently grasped onto Ink again, "I'm glad you had such a good time, Kiki,"

Ink then turned to Blue, and jumped straight into his arms. Blue chuckled at his antics and swung him around.

"Hey, BB," A smooth voice came out from behind them, and a skeleton wrapped his arm around Blue.

"O-oh! Hey, Lust! How have you been?" Dream snorted quietly at Blue, who quickly fought off his rising blush to glare at him.

Lust grins down at Blue, "Same old, same old,"

He releases Blue from his grip and goes to hug Dream and Ink, smiling at them happily.

"Hey Lust," Ink starts cheekily, "found any people to fuck during the summer?"

Dream watches as Blue goes through the five stages of grief in the blink of an eye, and gently smiles at him in assurance.

Lust giggles at the question, before responding, "At least I can get some, you paint-sniffing dickwad,"

Ink takes a moment to process the insult, and shrugs. "Meh, true,"

Dream starts laughing alongside Blue, before perking up. "Hey guys, what're your classes?"

All four of them quickly exchanged schedules, looking at them.

"Oh hey, Blue, we've got math together, and we have world history with Lust," Dream states, grinning up at Blue.

"Hell yeah! Ink, we've got art together, and english," Blue high fives Ink, before checking his phone. "Oh, Error texted me! I got economics with him, and culinary with Horror,"

Dream still has no idea how Blue became friends with Error and Horror. He remembers that one day, after a school overnight trip in middle school, they had just become friends seemingly overnight. It was pretty funny, watching Blue yell at Error and getting away with it though.

Ink perked up at Error's name, "Show me his schedule, I wanna piss him off,"

Blue cackles and pushed Ink off of him, who had clung to Blue with vigor. Dream would also never understand Ink's love for pissing people off, most notably Error and his brother. It amused all four of them, so they always let Ink continue.

"Yes! We all have lunch together, this is great!" Lust exclaims, before winking at a random person across the hall.

Dream winces at Blue almost deflating, having caught the act. He holds onto his hand, "Blue, wanna walk to class now? I want good seats,"

Blue looks down at Dream, appreciation shining in his eyelights. "Yeah, that'd be nice. The Magnificent Blue deserves nothing less than the best seats!"

Dream waves at Ink and Lust as a goodbye, and walks off hand-in-hand with Blue.

When the two of them turn the corner, Dream stops and feels Blue begin to slightly tremble. "Oh, Blue..." Dream tugs the younger skeleton into his body, wrapping his arms around him. "Lets go into the bathroom, mkay?" He asks sweetly, feeling Blue nod from the top of his skull.

Dream leads them into the male bathroom, and locks the stall door. "Let it all out, BB,"

Blue lets out a shaky breath, his eyelights fuzzy and faint. Laying his head on Dream's shoulder, he began to speak.

"When Ink asked the question, about who Lust slept with, he didn't even glance at me!" Dream's stomach dropped at that, he didn't know that the two were physical together.

"You slept with him?" Dream whispered, and wrapped Blue's body into his arms.

Blue looked up at him in disbelief, "Well, no, but we kissed and cuddled and did all that stuff," he exhaled shortly, "and- and then he winked at that girl across the hall and I-"

Dream pushed Blue's head into his chest, and let him cry quietly. After a couple moments, the tears had subsided, and Blue pulled back from his grasp.

"Can we- can we just get to class? I actually do want good seats," Blue laughed weakly at his joke, and stood up. Dream's mouth twitched upwards, and he pushed himself to his feet. Offering a hand to Blue, he helped Blue up.

They set off to class for real this time, and eventually winded up in front of the math class.

Opening the door was like a magical experience. A horrifying, magical experience. The teacher was already screaming at ...was that Dust? He was seemingly ignoring her, hood up and wired headphones poking out of his hoodie. Apparently, since Dust's hoodie was under his blazer, he was 'allowed' to wear it. It was more as if every teacher he had would give up on the rule.

Dust was apart his brother's friend group, one of the more quiet ones. Dream appreciated all of Nightmare's friends, as they were the ones who helped Nightmare be talkative towards others. Less antisocial, and he seemed happier than be had ever been.

...His SOUL hurt at that thought.


He snapped his gaze at Blue, who had begun to hover over him worriedly. He waved him off, smiling as usual.

They headed towards the window, and sat down.

"Welp, time for another boring math class," Blue says, and Dream groaned, and placed his head on his desk.

thats a wrap. i have school lol

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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