Chapter 19: Empowerment

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With the exam season fast approaching, the Hufflepuff Common Room had turned from a cosy den to a hub of activity. Every armchair, sofa, and table had been commandeered by groups of fifth and seventh year students, their piles of books and scrolls competing for space with the usual decor of scatter cushions and pot plants.

Artemis and her girlfriends were one such group, however, the textbooks in front of them had yet to be opened, and their hushed conversation had nothing to do with schoolwork.

"So," said Tonks, the armchair groaning softly as she jumped onto it. "Do you want the good news or the bad news?"

Artemis didn't even consider her answer. "Good."

"Ah. Well, I bumped into Moody in Hogsmeade this morning and they've still not found out who is passing information to the Cabal from the Auror office-"

"That's the good news?"

"- but they're still telling people false leads," Tonks shrugged. "So they've got it under control. They've got plenty of time."

"What's the bad news?"

"We've not got plenty of time. You two" - she gestured at Penny and Artemis - "and Badeea are looking to go to the Portrait Vault soon, before anyone gets stuck in a portrait again, and then we'll need to get cracking on the final Vault before the statue curse hits."

"You're just full of cheer, you are," muttered Artemis.

"At least the dragon guarding it the Portrait Vault is dead already, so that should be easy."

Beside Tonks, Penny sighed loudly.

"Well, yes, it should, but none of the others have been easy so far," she said, fiddling with her silver charm bracelet as she spoke. "And besides, we still don't have any way of getting there."

Artemis' eyebrows furrowed deeply. Penny made a very valid point. Two years ago, she and her fellow curse-breakers had travelled to the fourth Cursed Vault using a portrait of the Vault itself, which had been turned into a Portkey. After the expedition had taken a turn for the worse, the portrait had been left inside.

"Maybe we could Apparate," she suggested. "Rakepick and Jacob both Apparated out of there, it would make sense if we were able to Apparate in."

"Would it? Apparition requires an accurate destination, and without knowing exactly where the Vault is..."

"Or if it is even a real location," murmured Chiara, a curious look in her pale blue eyes. "You were only able to get there by a painting of the Vault. What if it only exists inside the painting?"

"But then we'd need another portrait to get inside!"

"Oh!" Penny gasped. "We could get Badeea to paint one for us! She really is very talented, you know."

"Would that work?" asked Artemis, and Chiara shrugged her shoulders. The girls fell quiet for a few moments, until Tonks slammed her hand down on the arm of her chair.

"Ow!" She winced and rubbed her hand, but her smile didn't falter. "I've got it. I've only bloody gone and got it."

"Got what, Tonks?"

"Okay. So, what if you don't need that one specific painting to get in? Didn't you say that last time, you were able to climb in and out of the paintings in there?"

"Yeah, but-"

"And, didn't you say that your brother was leaving you a trail to follow from one Vault to the next?" Tonks raised her eyebrows expectantly. When none of the girls indicated that they understood her meaning, she sighed. "Come on, Artemis. Remember what you found inside the Forest Vault the first time we went there?"

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