Chapter 13: The Department of Mysteries

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The plan was this: the following Wednesday evening, as Charlie finished his shift at the Three Broomsticks, Artemis would sneak out of the castle to meet him. From there, they would Apparate to Whitehall and enter the Ministry of Magic by the visitors' entrance they had used for the duration of their work experience placement.

"Are you sure you're okay about this?" Artemis asked, frowning at the tense look on Charlie's face. He gritted his teeth and nodded, but still seemed doubtful. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," he told her, holding out his left arm. "I've just not done side-along Apparition before, and I'm not great at Apparating at the best of times. I just don't want either of us to get splinched, that's all."

"Don't worry about that," said Artemis, taking hold of Charlie's proffered arm. "Just concentrate on getting us to the right place, and try not to land us on top of any grannies while you're at it."

She grinned mischievously, and Charlie gave her a withering look before turning on the spot, gripping her arm with his fingers as he did so, as if he were afraid that he might leave her behind. But he did not leave her behind, for as he turned, Artemis felt the now all-too-familiar sensation of Apparition, and moments later, found herself standing beside him on the streetlight-lit pavement of a London street, beside a bright red telephone box.

"See?" she said, nudging his side with her elbow as she unlinked her arm. "You did it."

"Yeah, I guess I did," Charlie half-smiled. "And you're alright? One nose, two ears, ten fingers?"

"Of course. And look - no grannies harmed, either. Good job."

Charlie made a rude hand gesture as Artemis stuck her tongue out at him, and they both climbed into the phone box. Charlie used his left forefinger to dial five numbers, and Artemis picked up the receiver as a cool, clipped voice filled the telephone box.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

"My name is Artemis Hexley, this is Charlie Weasley. We're going to the Department of Mysteries."

There was a short pause before the voice spoke again, as emotionless and formal as before.

"Unfortunately, it is not possible to grant your request at this time," it said. Artemis turned to Charlie, whose red eyebrows were furrowed deeply. "Unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter the Department of Mysteries. If you wish to visit the Department of Mysteries, you must first submit a request to the Department. The Ministry of Magic apologises for any inconvenience. Have a nice evening."

"Wait," said Charlie quickly, as the doors of the phone box swung open. "We've actually already submitted a request, and it's been answered. We're here to go to... a meeting."

He shrugged at Artemis and crossed his fingers as they waited for the voice to answer him. Eventually, it did.

"Please state the name of the Department of Mysteries employee who authorised this request."

"Olivia Green," Artemis lied. "She's an Oracler, we're meeting her to talk about prophecies for our Divination homework."

"Thank you," said the voice. "Visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes."

Charlie and Artemis exchanged relieved looks as the metal chute beneath the receiver began to rattle. Two badges landed at the bottom of it, and Charlie took them both, handing one out to Artemis, which read:


She pinned the badge to her jacket as the phone box descended below the ground. Charlie exhaled loudly as he did the same.

Artemis Hexley and the Return to the RiddlesWhere stories live. Discover now