Chapter 5: Unforgivable

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The doors of the courtroom swung closed behind Jacob Hexley and his two Dementor guards, and the sound of it seemed to ring in Artemis' ears. It sounded extremely loud and strangely distant, both at once.

There was a soft hum in her ear, and it took a moment for her to realise that it was Kingsley murmuring to her:

"Breathe, Tiny."

For once, Artemis did as she was told. She drew a deep breath, and turned to Kingsley, ignoring the noise from the rest of the courtroom.

"You said he didn't commit any crimes," she said. "You said that he was innocent."

"I believed that he was," Kingsley frowned. "I have been suspicious that Duncan Ashe's death was orchestrated by the Cabal for some time, but I had no reason to think that Jacob was involved in it. He said that it was his fault when Moody and I interviewed him in May, but-"

"After he handed himself in at the lakeshore?"

"Yes. But I truly believed that it was his conscience speaking, not a true admission of guilt."

"That night, he told me to trust him. No matter what happened," Artemis blinked back tears. "Why would he say that and then..."

Her voice tailed off, and her eyes drifted towards the doors through which Jacob had been escorted away. She could feel Ben and Merula watching her from the seats beside her, and she avoided looking at either of them.

Across the room, the Wizengamot had begun to settle, other than Madam Bones, who remained on her feet.

"May I suggest that we end this adjournment promptly?" she asked, and the courtroom quietened. "Guards, bring in the next defendant."

Artemis steeled herself as the doors opened once more. This time, the person who entered was flanked by four Dementors, and she wore not just handcuffs but steel gloves, which prevented her hands from moving at all. It took a moment for Artemis to recognise the witch; her red hair had grown lank, and her face sallow and bony. But when she raised her head, the sharp look in her eyes remained unchanged. It really was her.

"Are you Patricia Rakepick?" said Madam Bones.

In spite of her current predicament, Rakepick smirked. "It would be quite the administrative error if I weren't."

"Madam Rakepick, you stand accused of multiple accounts of criminal and morally reprehensible  behaviour and several acts of Dark Magic committed both in the name of the criminal organisation R and on your own accord. More specifically, you are accused of the use of Unforgiveable Curses on no less than five accounts, of the attempted murder of Miss Artemis Hexley, and of the murder of Miss Rowan Khanna," Madam Bones paused, and Artemis felt her hear skip a beat. "We shall hear witness testimonies before voting on our judgement. If found guilty, you will be sentenced to Azkaban prison for life. Professor Dumbledore?"

"Yes, Madam Interrogator?"

"Do you wish to continue to serve as witness for the defence?"

"If no one else is willing, I feel morally bound to do so," Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind his spectacles. "After all, even those who are guilty of terrible things are entitled to a defence."

From the seat in the middle of the courtroom came a harsh laugh, and Madam Rakepick cocked an eyebrow at Dumbledore.

"Ever the moralist, Dumbledore," she said drily. "No, Albus. I shall defend myself."

Professor Dumbledore bowed his head and returned to his seat in the witness benches, and Rakepick watched him do so with a passive facial expression. As Artemis heard him walk behind her, Rakepick's eyes settled on her for a moment, and her former mentor's eyebrows raised in recognition, almost as if she were greeting her from across a street. The casual nature of the gesture made Artemis' chest tighten, but she refused to be intimidated. She held Rakepick's gaze and glared back fiercely until Rakepick looked away, her lips twitching ever so slightly as she did so.

Artemis Hexley and the Return to the RiddlesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz