Chapter 7 - Looks Like It's Time

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Amelia stood before the small white door and rang the doorbell. She stood there for like 15 seconds before Father John opened the door for her to come in.

"Good Afternoon father" she greeted with a smile on her face. Father John liked this lady a lot. She seemed different from the others and holy, yeah, because she was an angel. He really didn't believe her but his duty was to help people who needed help and to lead people to the right direction, so he couldn't pass this one out.

"Afternoon, come in" he said simply opening the door wider for her to come in.

Amelia stepped into the small dim room which had candles now as the source of light, no more the orange lamp.

"Father, if I may ask, of what purpose do we need these candles?" Amelia asked staring at the floor decorated with candles forming the Enochian symbol. She could understand why they needed to be protected by the Enochian but...why candles?

"Angel, these candles are the only way for this ritual to work" he said.

"But what if the light goes off?" Amelia asked thinking of possible ways this spell can be unsuccessful.

"If it goes off, we will light another, till we finish the ritual. We must not give up on this" he said walking round the symbol so he wouldn't destruct the candles and moving to the dinner table which was filled  with books. Amelia followed his steps to pass the symbol.

"So, when are we gonna start?" She asked with her eyes reading the title of the books that were on the table.

"Evening is the best time of this ritual as stated in the book. We mustn't start before 6:00pm and beyond 6:00pm" he said and Amelia became more confused furrowing her eyebrows.

"What do you mean? We must start directly on six pm and make sure to not end by seven?" She asked and he nodded.

"We have only an hour, the hour of six, and that's all" he said and she nodded. She lowered her head to her wrist and read the time in her watch, it says 4:56. They still had time, little time, at least.
She picked up a book and began reading.


Lothar appeared in midst of air when Mammon, Abadon and Asmodeus were on their throne.

"He has finally arrived" mammon said with a mocking smirk on his face.

"You know it wasn't my fault" Lothar said.

"Then whose fault it is? Our dear prince has turned too soft just because of an angel" mammon said walking down from his throne and approaching Lothar.

"She is not an angel" Lothar said in a straight tone.

"Then what is she? Because no human can make the devil's son this powerless......."

"Shut up! I am not powerless! Do not ever say that or you will feel my wrath Mammon" Lothar threatened and all mammon could give him was a slight chuckle.

"You do not know what you're falling into prince. I do know that she's a mystery but you have to shake it off and be yourself" Abadon said and Lothar glared at him with those golden flames in his eyes spelling anger.

"I am myself! Now if anyone talks about her or me......they'll regret it" Lothar said and stormed out.

"Drama boy" mammon said and Abadon and Asmodeus looked at him.

Lothar entered his chamber and turned to leave when he saw Lucifer but was stopped when he heard his name.

"Lothar" Lucifer called him and Lothar closed his eyes and sighed before he turned to him.

"Yes Father"

"I see you're back" Lucifer said and Levitated to Lothar and landed on his feet when he was in front of Lothar.

"I am back" Lothar said

"As always, you complete the mission of course...... So what about the strange girl?"

Lothar closed his eyes and looked away on hearing this question. He knew that he would ask him this question and he feared for it because this is Lucifer and he can tell him to kill her and if he doesn't..... You wouldn't dare to know what will happen.

"Father.... Everyone is doubting me, they think I'll change just because of a strange girl who......"

"I know son, I believe you... I know that you want to deceive her and capture her soul right?... If we have someone as powerful as her but on the evil side.... Who knows she might become the princess of hell" Lucifer said and Lothar just looked at him shocked.

He wasn't deceiving her, was he? She is different from the rest so he can't just deceive her how he deceives the rest, can he? Or is he going to be forced to do that..... No he can't.... Just when he started liking her he will capture her?

"Did you hear me?"Lucifer asked and Lothar nodded.

"You're going to deceive her and capture her soul...... And if you think otherwise..." Lucifer paused and walked to Lothar's left side and continued.

"Then I'll do it myself" Lucifer said and left.

Lothar's gaze remained at his front trying to absorb what his father just said. Lothar knows what his father means by he'll do it himself, if he doesn't do it, his father will and if he does, then.... Amira would be a demon ... He likes her that way... He can't believe he's saying this but he likes it when she preached to him.... He doesn't know why, and that mixed feelings he always gets when she is close... He didn't want her to go yet... When she is a demon she'll stop preaching or stop teasing him... She will just be like the other demons who are annoying, especially mammon.

Lothar folded his fists and clenched his teeth with his mouth closed.

"Won't let that happen"


Amelia was reading a book titled "can evil triumph good?".

"It's almost time Amelia" Father John said and Amelia looked at her watch which said 5:53.

The more the time passed the more nervous Amelia would get.

"It'll work, it'll work, it'll work, it'll work" she chanted to herself in her mind.

Father John chuckled.

"For something to work you don't have to chant it" Father John said and Amelia looked at him.

"Did I say that out loud?" Amelia asked making father John to chuckle again.

"It's okay to be nervous but remember Angel... Fear and nervousness are two different things....So you have to make up your mind" Father John said and poured water into a transparent medium glass cup and gave Amelia.

"Thank you" Amelia said collecting the cup.

"Looks like it's time"

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