Chapter 6 - They Have A Moment

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Lothar looked at her full pinkish lips as they parted and met again and again and again and again till he heard:

"Yes or no?"

"Hm" He asked because he was lost staring at her pink lips. He wasn't listening to whatever she said. He couldn't just drift his mind off her beauty.

"Yes or no?" She asked again.

"Sorry what?"

"Are you a Christian?" She asked

"And how does it concern you?"

"It does concern me because as a Christian, I have to bring more people closer to God"

"Don't you ever get tired of preaching" Lothar asked already tired of her holy words.

"Well for someone who wishes eternal life in heaven you have to....."

Here it goes again

"...... In order to go to heaven do you understand?" Amira asked while looking at him thinking he was listening.

"I rather not" Lothar said and Amira shook her head already tired. She remembered that she was heading to the library before she saw this guy.

"I should leave, and, do not follow me" she said in a commanding tone. Lothar just looked at her amusingly. This girl was really different.
They stared for a while before she turned on her heels and left. He stood there looking at her take a cab.

"Hey Lothar" mammon called him.


"You realize you said sorry?" Mammon asked and Lothar curled his lip in disgust.

"Why would I say that?"

"You just did, to the girl, not to long ago"

"I didn't, sorry and thank you is the last thing I will ever say to anyone" Lothar said.

"But you just said it to Amira"

"Amira is nobody, so how will i say sorry to her?" he asked as he walked along the road. He just met the annoying lady yesterday, why would he tell her sorry?



Amelia came out of her apartment and walked to the café shop to have breakfast. When she walked in with her books and bags, she met few people inside and one of them was the library guy. They both looked at each other in silence from where they stood.She broke the gaze and went to order, meanwhile, Lothar's gaze remained on her. He watched her go to the same seat he sat yesterday as Chelsea brings her coffee.

"Thank you" he heard Amelia say to the lady waiter. Amelia took a glimpse of the guy who she saw was still staring at her before opening her book. She uses the book to hide her face to stop the guy from looking at her.
Lothar's gaze moved down slowly to the book and read its title: The devil and the angel. A smirk showed on his face after reading the title. He stood up from his chair and slowly walked towards Amelia. She could see him coming but pretended like she didn't. Her eyes slot looked up at him when he sat down across her.

"Why the gaze?" She asked him when he was seated.

"What gaze do you speak of?" He asked and she dropped the book on the table.

"Do I owe you anything if I may ask?" Amelia suddenly asked him and his lips curled up to form a smile.

"You keep smiling for  unnecessary things" she said annoyingly and he chuckled making her quiet.

"What's the name again?" He asked and she tilted her head a bit to the left.

"Why would I let you know my name?" She asked him her own question.

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