Chapter 1 - Just Like The Mortals

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"Deo Gloria in saecula saeculorum"

"Alleluia Laudate Deum"

"Deo Gloria in saecula saeculorum"

"Et cum populo suo"

"Deo Gloria in saecula saeculorum"

"Alleluia Laudate Deum"

"Deo Gloria in saecula saeculorum"

"Et cum populo suo"

God raised his hand and the entire host of angels became silent. His eyes rummaged the angels and came to a halt when he spotted an Angel.

She had glowing blue eyes and a wave of white hair, full hearted lips with slender eyebrows and pale skin.

"Aemiliae" His voice echoed and she quivered a bit and hesitantly stepped forward.

"Ita Celsitudo Tua" Amelia responded. She could feel his gaze piercing through her, which made her nervous.

"Michael" God called and Michael walked forward.

"Your Highness" He said with his head lowered

"Inform them" God said and Michael bowed and faced the crowd.

"Bonus Dies" he said and they all responded with "idem tibi"

"The Trinity has decided that Amelia, Sister to Gabriel, friend to all... Will be sent on a mission to earth in other to detain the evil soul, Lothar the son of Lucifer and the prince of hell, who we heard was sent to earth by the devil to tempt and lure more souls to hell ". Michael said and Amelia quivered.

"Fear no more Aemiliae For host of heaven will be on your side." God said.

"Yes your Highness.....but can't the Angels locate him without any difficulty? Is it necessary for me to be sent to earth to complete this mission?" She asked and Michael turned to God and asked.

"May I your Highness?" Michael spoke and God replied with a nod.

"Angels can locate any being but can't locate one protected by the Enochian sigils. Lothar is protected by it with a tattooed symbol on his wrist, so we can't magically locate him" Michael said and Amelia nodded a bit.
She had seen God send other angels on missions and didn't know today would be her turn. Detaining the devil's son was no small thing, so she was a bit scared.

"Pores ire" God said and she bowed and walked back to where she stood earlier.

Through out the whole section, Amelia's mind was not in the prayer, She thought of how her mission would go and feared that being in the midst of angels, they could read her mind.


After the prayer, Amelia was worried and wanted to have a word with her elder brother. She knocked on Gabriel's door and he replied.

"Come on in"

She heard him and slowly opened the door before walking in. He was sitting down on the couch playing the chess game. She sat on the soft comfortable bed, dressed with a white bedspread.

"May I help you?" Gabriel asked her with his eyes still on the chess board.

"Brother, am worried." She said and he chuckled slightly before raising his gaze to her.

"About what sister?"

"Brother, what if I am not able to complete the mission?" She asked and all he gave to her in response was a smile. He got up from the brown leather couch and walked to her and sat beside her.

"You have nothing to worry about, remember, never in a lifetime will evil triumph good"

Amelia smiled but her fear wasn't gone. Gabriel noticed it and sighed before saying.

"I understand this is your first time but everyone including me had a first time. From first, to second, to third and then you get used to it"

With these few words, Amelia was a little bit convinced and had hope that she could complete the mission without any difficulty.

"Also remember, you won't have the power of telepathy or any other power. You will be just like the mortals in earth. So do not trust anyone for you cannot see through them" Gabriel reminded.

Just like the mortals? This mission was harder than she thought. If she could just locate the devil's son and see through him, things would have been easier.

"But you can't locate him neither can you see through, so deal with the present situation" he said and she sighed.

Yes, of course he read her mind.

"Yep, I sure did" he said while standing up to leave the room. Amelia rolled her eyes when he was gone.

At least, she got encouraged about the mission. Gabriel was the only one who could cheer up her day. When she was little,  he would make her laugh when she is sad. At the garden, he would teach her some prayers and meditations. At the hall, he would show her some stories about God and the devil. Now she was older, he would teach her about spells and how she could use her powers.


At the hall, God was seated on his throne with the six Seraphs sat beside him. Three on his left and three on his right. At the front row were the saints namely; Elizabeth, Cecilia, Anthony, Benedict, Lucy, Arnold, Augustine, Francis and the rest. At the back role were the angels.

"Ave Maria gratia plena dominus tecum benedicta tu in omnibus mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus"

"Pater noster qui es in caelis sanctificetur nomen tuum adveniat regnum tuum fiat voluntas tua in terra sicut est in caelo panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas in temptationem sed libera nos ab omni malo amen"

After the prayer, everyone departed from the hall.


Cecilia and Lucy walked with their baskets to pluck fruits and flowers at Eden.

Cecilia dropped her basket on the floor which was covered in dried leaves and shrubs. She plucked a yellow and pink flower and brought it to her nose inhaling the good scent with her eyes closed.

"Hey look at this flower... It's smells great" Cecilia said to Lucy who was busy staring at an apple weirdly.

"Have a sniff" she said while bringing the flower closer to Lucy's nose. Lucy smelt it and instantly fell on the floor. Cecilia became terrified and quickly dropped the flower and knelt beside her.

"Oh my, Lucy are you okay?" She asked worriedly while touching Lucy.

All of a sudden Lucy stood up straight.

"Oh goodness, that smells worst than a rotten apple"

"Are you kidding me? So I got worried for nothing?"

"Looks like it" Lucy said as she stood up from the ground and Cecilia rolled her eyes.

Lucy plucked an apple and dropped it in her basket, she was about to pluck another apple when she sighted Amelia walking into the garden.

"Hey look, is that not the angel sent on a mission?" Lucy asked Cecilia who was looking for another awful flower. She looked at Lucy's gaze and saw Amelia speaking to Raphael who kept guard of the gate.

"Yes, that is she,  Aemiliae" Cecilia said and Lucy shrugged and went back to her apples.

"I wonder how she would capture the devil's son" Lucy said to herself. If they were to give her that kind of mission, she wouldn't know what to do. Her powers would be useless.

"The devil's son isn't that hard to get hold of right?" Cecilia asked and Lucy looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She looked at her, head to toe before shaking her head.

"You are mistaken Cecilia, do you know who Lothar is?"

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