Hand and hand...

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Chae-Won's pov...

After breakfast i picked up all of the dishes up from the table and set them into the sink so i can wash them later on after work. After i put the dishes into the sink i softly took in  a deep breath and breathed out, hoping that Naruto's day could at least go well for once.  He hasn't made that much friends as i'd imagined yet  and the suspensions he keeps receiving, along with his grades dropping is too much for me. Everyday i have to get on to him about his grades and most of the time he seems like he listens but i really know that he doesn't want to hear it, i even caught him covering his ears when i scolded him about his last test, he even mocked me openly, thinking i wouldn't hear him. But with being a mother you just seem to know things more than your kids will ever know and just by him mocking me it  caused me to get very angry with him and pop him on his hand as warning.

 And with him being hyper around the house i just have to pray that he doesn't break anything antique because those items that are surrounding my house have came down my family from generations to generations. As i sat down on the couch i continued to wait on Naruto to come out of the bathroom so i can be able to take him to school before Iruka Sensei expects anything. It has been a minute and he still hasn't really came out of the bathroom yet. I would decide to let it slide because he does like to take forever in the bathroom but like always he can't show up late to school...at least not this time, and besides my job starts in 10 minutes so he's going to have to hurry up and get his little behind out of the bathroom.

The place i work at is a little place that goes by the name " Ramen Ichiraku". The place isn't far from our house and at least the hours aren't bad nor is the pay during the day, including the tips that i receive, but Naruto on the other hand has a really huge obsession with ramen, so everyday after school i will have at least a bowl of ramen waiting for him on the counter. Me working at a Ramen shop just gives him unlimited access to all the ramen he could ever ask for....unless i say so. Listen, ramen is good and all but sometimes i think it's best he takes a break from all the noodles he  intends to consume. And with the amount he tries to get a day could put Ramen Ichiraku out of business, not like he hasn't done it before. And since my boss " Teuchi" and his daughter " Ayame" doesn't really mind about how much i feed my son ramen and that other none sense, and they seem to not mind him being  around too much during the day...unlike the rest of the people in the village.

Lately i have been thinking that me and Naruto should move out of Konoha and start over somewhere else in another village, but he refused, mostly because he usually loves the school he goes to even though he nearly fails almost every test his teacher " Iruka" sensei has assigned. Usually the villagers are the ones who just can't stand the sight of him and when that happens i would always be there in order to protect them because the majority of the villagers seems dangerous and just by thinking of something bad happening to him is something i just don't want to see happening, so i took it upon myself to take him to school every single day with no excuses. I know he absolutely HATES it when i hold his hand in the middle of the village...must be trying to impress a girl or whatever, but i believe it's safer that way.

 He's already a hyped up child so giving him even one piece of candy will cause him to go sugar bonkers and there goes the whole damn village, knocking on my damn door once AGAIN! Complaining right on schedule. It's like everything is the same with the villagers coming to my house, knocking on my door,  terrorizing me, and judging my parenting, telling me what i need to do with my kid, and it's not even because of the damage he could've possibly caused, it's because they simply want to come over to my house and harass me and mostly Naruto for having a 9 tailed beast sealed inside of him like it was a fucking choice. And when i try to  retaliate they all want to look at me like i'm some kind of psycho.  

 And when i scream at them i'm crazy, when i try to protect him from possibly getting kidnapped or worse i am called deranged, the reason he is what he is, a horrible mother. I know that it's bad to think such thing but as i look at each every last one of their faces there is just something about this place that makes me wish that Naruto's Kurama killed all of them so we wouldn't have to be here in the first place....um...but at the same time i got to be a good influence on him so i keep those thoughts to myself.

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