Just ignore them...

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Chae-Won's pov...

Early in the morning....and just as i thought. In the middle of the village i was holding on to Naruto's hand to make sure that he is with me and safe at all times as we walk to the academy together. The atmosphere, as we walked through the village was slowly becoming unbearable like a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. It only seems that every single villager we pass would shoot us a dark look, whisper something about me and Naruto, thinking that i don't have ears to hear exactly what they are saying. I only had a painful 2 minutes left before my job at Ramen Ichiraku, and since Naruto's school was only a few blocks away i wanted to get him there just in time before the bell rings.

I just hope that this time, while Naruto is having trouble keeping up with the other students in Iruka's class i try my best as his mother to cheer him on, and that means to remind him to do better at school the best way he possibly can. I would always tell him "If you can't get it today then you can definitely get it tomorrow". I know my words might not mean much to some people because they could hear something like that every single day and they'll still get the same results, but Naruto was....always different.

It's like with every single inspirational quote i tell him he always takes those words and prove to everyone in the village that he has what it takes. To everyone else he is a troublemaker, a nuisance, the demon fox, but to me....he was the backbone of all the students. Of course he got some learning to do, and it has been a while since i have done any ninja practices myself after the tragic event that has taken a heavy toll on me till this very day, so i am a little bit rusty, but that doesn't stop me from giving him a little tips on half of the Taijutsu's i've learned from the past 13 years when i was just like him...a ninja, well determined, and i always had my mind on protecting the people that i mostly cared about.

As we continue to walk through the village hand and hand i noticed one of the shop workers lock his door, thinking we were gonna enter any time soon. Some of the shop owner's in this time would barely let me shop in their stores because of the hatred that they had for me and Naruto, so i usually have to travel towards the other side of the village on foot, or, better yet, have Teuchi and Ayame go to the market for me with the money i give them and help me get as much groceries as i need so if there was ever a time i'm not home Naruto will always have a snack waiting for him in the fridge with a small little note on there that will always have something inspirational like "1 day down, another day to go!" or "A true Hokage took it one step at a time" and "Giving up so easily is what they want you to do, show them that you are the future!"

I may not always be there to see it, but my heart will always tell me that those small words has made a huge difference to Naruto's nature. He has been working hard, even if he does fail almost every exam. The look of determination in his baby blue eyes as he trains in the backyard where i could keep and eye on him so nothing bad happens to him is something i know that i may never get to have back, and i know his determination did not come from me...but from someone else who might've had the same energy as him when they were younger, or...it's his spirit taking it's toll when training. The fact he still looks for way's to smile, even when the town treat's us poorly  is something that will always heal the dent in my heart. As i continue to walk a few more blocks down the dirt road with Naruto i end up hearing one of the shop owner's whisper something about Naruto to another shop owner, causing them to give me and Naruto dirty looks as they laugh and whisper harsh nothings to each other.

As the sounds of their snickering and their dirty looks have entered my ears i looked down at Naruto and noticed how his emotion has changed, causing a fire to spark inside of me. When it came down to the villagers saying something about me i look for way's to calm down and not intervene, because at the end of the day their words are just words when it's "Directly" towards me. But when saying something about Naruto it just makes it personal on another level, and it is what causes my blood to boil. And just by the sound of their snickering and the way Naruto looks of being completely crushed by the words he is hearing i let go of Naruto's hand and i storm towards them in full anger.

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