12/23/05: Dear Diary

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8:52PM, December 23rd, 2005

An Excerpt from the Diary of Maisie Wittam

"I don't want to die. I didn't want to, at least before. I'm starting to want to now. I was only trying to help. I caught dad with Heath, I know he's gay. I don't really care, I love him the same. But it isn't fair for him to stay with mom. To either of them. It's not right. She should find love, and he should be himself. He deserves that. And so does mom. I think. I'm going to a mental hospital now. I leave tomorrow. I get it. He's scared. But this is crazy. I'm not super scared though. It's a mental hospital. There's no way they'll accept me. I'm not crazy. They won't accept me. I know it. This'll all be fine."

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