3/12/06: A Statement Of Support

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An Official Statement From Great Graces Roman Catholic Church (Waverly Branch):

It has come to our attention that one of our clergymen, Reverend Brian Wittam, has recently been captured on video engaging in homosexual activities with one of our parishioners, Keith Benson. The aforementioned video has been posted to several social media platforms anonymously, presumably without Reverend Wittam's consent.

We ask that these videos be removed at once. It is the belief of us here at Great Graces and growing numbers within the Catholic Church that the most important and prominent passage in the Bible is the following:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. "This is the first and great commandment. "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" (Matthew 22:37–39).

We would like to formally express our full support of Reverend Brian Wittam, Keith Benson, and all others within the LGBTQIA+ Community. While we have been pressured to dismiss Reverend Wittam from our church, we refuse to do so as this would go against our religious values. Thank you for your understanding.

Thoughts And Prayers,

-Great Graces Roman Catholic Church

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