1/23/06: Graham's Tapes: #1

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4:16 PM, January 23rd, 2006

An Audiotape Transcript Featuring:

Detective Marcus Graham

I feel like a stereotype doing this, but I'm lost and this works in the movies. I am Detective Marcus Graham, and I'm investigating the alleged murder of 17-year-old Maisie Wittam. It just doesn't make any sense, so I guess I thought this...audiotape, or whatever I'm trying to do here, might help. They do it on TV all the time, and I'm desperate, okay? I don't know. I don't know.

On January 13th, 2006, Maisie was found hanging in her stay room at Warren & Worandy Mental Hospital in Waverly, Oregon. Another patient's DNA was all over the extension cord she was hanged with. Patrick Forrest. But even that, that doesn't even make sense. Patrick was her cousin. Yeah, he's...certifiable. But not violent. And he shouldn't have even been in the same ward. He shouldn't have even been able to open the door!

No camera footage, there was a black out at the time she was killed. Randal Worandy crashed his car into a telephone pole...not that it really matters. What matters is that I don't have leads. Shit, I've got nothing. Well, I guess I do have something. I have a suspect. Patrick. But no motive. No means, no nothing. Everyone's saying she killed herself, and Patrick helped. But they didn't talk. Didn't even really see each other. They were strangers, basically. Why would he help?

And...well, why would she kill herself? Yeah, she was depressed, but her nurses said she was getting better. She was admitted by her dad, Brian. She didn't want to go. They argued about it a lot, according to him. The mom, Erma, said it wasn't that bad. I don't know.

Who would want to kill Maisie Wittam? Waverly High prom Queen, president of the chess club. Her friends say she's kind, caring. Didn't really have enemies. I don't know. I...I don't know. Well this didn't do shit. I feel stupid now. I'm turning this off.

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