2/11/06: The Carmichael Tapes: #1

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4:32 PM, February 11th, 2006

A Recorded Conversation Featuring:

Penelope Suthing & Bettie Carmichael

Carmichael: So then explain this to me, Penny! What the fuck is going on?

Suthing: Your going to lower your voice, right now. In case you've forgotten, you work for me.

Carmichael: Oh, what are you going to do? Fire me? We've had four nurses leave in two weeks. You can't afford to fire me, Penny. So tell me: what the hell is going on? Are you really in on this?

Suthing: I don't have to tell you anything.

Carmichael: The thing about the door batteries aired yesterday, and now all of them suddenly have brand-new batteries. What the fuck, Penny!?

Suthing: We are just insuring that we are following safety code to the letter.

Carmichael: One more question, Penny. I personally signed off for the delivery off a generator for this hospital. A week before the black out. Why the hell didn't it turn on? You didn't even tell the police we have it!

Suthing: It was broken. We shipped it back.

Carmichael: I would've been the one to ship it back! That's my job!

Suthing: I saved you the hassle. Your welcome. Now get back to work, Nurse Carmichael.

Hailey's Notes:

W&W is losing staff

All door batteries were replaced

W&W had a generator!?!?

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