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Nothing in life has a definitive answer. When one question is satisfied, a million more arise.

   This is a found-footage style Murder mystery about the murder of Maisie Wittam. Each chapter is short, usually around a page or two, and contains no narration. You will find audiotape transcripts, suicide notes, police reports, news articles, and more in the following pages.

   What you are about to read may be disturbing. It may be creepy, it may be gruesome, it may be tragic. But the following pages are raw, unedited perspectives, reports, and evidence files. No page should be disregarded, no perspective ignored. If you want to fully understand the Murder of Maisie Wittam:

Read Carefully.

Assume nothing.

Question everything.

NOTE: Occasionally, you will notice an italicized section at the bottom of a chapter. These are Hailey Ford's notes, Maisie's best friend who is personally investigating her death. If you are confused, stuck, or don't understand the passage, Hailey's Notes can be read to make it easier.

To Murder Maisie WittamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora