"Don't forget I invited Sadie to join us. She didn't want to go home for break and I couldn't have her just eating alone in the dorms. And yes your mom already knows."

I watch as he rolls his eyes and grumble. I just laugh to myself. Dorian and Sadie don't always get along. I think it has to do with how childish and free spirited Sadie is. To Dorian it's like having another four year old running around. Or as he puts it, worse because you expect Sadie to know better. Makena however is ecstatic to hear Sadie will be going to Thanksgiving dinner with us.


I wake up the next morning, well more like afternoon, to knocking on my bedroom door. I don't even get the chance to stand before Sadie bursts into my room.

"Rise and shine! Happy Turkey Day!" she cheers as she drops down on my bed.

"Why is it I feel like I see you more now than I did when we shared a room?" I grumble.

"Oh come on, you know you miss living with me!" She teases.

I do miss sharing a dorm with Reign and Sadie. Not so much the small space but being so close to them. Always having someone to talk to and spend time with. I mean Dorian and Makena are usually home here but it's different. It's not my girls.

"Why are you here? We don't leave for another two or three hours?" I ask her.

"I was bored." She shrugs.

"So you thought you would come over here, wake me up, and annoy Dorian."

"Oh yeah he wasn't very happy when he answered the door. He seemed tired."

"He probably has been up since seven because that's what time Makena likes to get up every day, even non-school days."

"Eww...No thank you! I may not sleep in as late as SOME people, but I do enjoy my sleep too much to get up that early."

"Get out so I can get dressed." I shove her off my bed as I stand.

She scurries out the door giving me a moment to fully wake up and get dressed.

At four o'clock we arrive at Dorian's mom's house. This is the first time I have been back here since our trip back from the dig trip. I thought I would be flooded with the emotions and thoughts of that day. But as I walk through the front door I only feel the homey, safe feeling I initially felt walking in. Dorian's mom rushes to greet all of us with hugs, even having one for Sadie. Dorian rolls his eyes and shrugs at me, like look what I have to deal with. I quietly laugh at him. His mom is great.

"Please everyone come in and relax. Dinner is almost ready."

She heads towards the kitchen. I follow her as everyone else heads towards the living room.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask.

"No, darling. Well, you can start taking these dishes to the table."

We all sit down together and start making our plates. It all looks and smells amazing! Perfectly glazed turkey, homemade chicken and noodles, mash potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and more.

"Mrs. Remington, this is amazing!" Sadie praises her.

"Yeah you really out did yourself, Mom."

I just nod with my mouth full.

"Thank you all. It's been awhile since I cooked for more than just the two or three of us. I am glad to have both of you with us this year."

"Sadie, you think this is good. Just wait until you taste her homemade apple pie!" I tell her.

The rest of the meal went by with a lot more eating and less talking. All of us eating so much we groan with full bellies as we move from the kitchen to the living room.

"Nanna, can we watch the parade?" Makena asks.

"No, we already watched it live on TV this morning. Let's pick out a movie." Dorian answers her.

A movie is picked and it doesn't take long for Makena and Sadie to fall asleep. Dorian is in a chair nodding off to sleep. My phone pings with a text. I grab it off the table and see a message from Alex. My chest squeezes.

Happy Thanksgiving. Everyone misses you, wishing you were here. I hope you are having a good break. -A.H.

Thank you, break has been nice. I miss you all too. Happy Thanksgiving. -S

I read over the texts and I hate how simple and bland they are. There is so much I want to say but it just doesn't feel right. I want to end with I love you...but that slowly at some point stopped being said. It has been six months since we parted and every day, week, month it feels harder to communicate. When I don't get another text I put my phone down. I look around at the house I'm in and the people sitting around me. This is my first Thanksgiving away from home. I couldn't ask for a better place to spend it. Makena cuddles closer to me in her sleep. I wrap the blanket around her and decide to close my eyes as well. 

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