Off-Put Feeling

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Ugh, Mondays are always the worst. It was simply a rule of life. 

At the beginning of every week, there were just so many things to be done. All I wanted to do was to lay in bed the entire day, ideally with Evan cuddled up to me. 

Instead, I had to get up and get ready for school. Knowing Cole's favorite colors are blue and red, I usually tried to stay away from those colors. It was the best way to avoid people commenting and cooing over how cute it was that we dressed the same because we're identical twins and apparently that's just what identical twins do. Besides, my favorite colors are green and black anyway.

I went with black jeans and an army green V-neck shirt. Cole's phone came in at the shop this morning, so he left early to get it before school. That meant I didn't have to wait for him, so I grabbed all of my things and left early to avoid meeting my father–I'd grab breakfast on the way to school. 

My brother drove a gray 2019 Nissan Versa. It was more simplistic and less flashy(like Cole) so we'd normally take that. Since he'd already gone, I took my sapphire blue 2015 v6 convertible mustang. 

Damn, I missed driving this baby….

Can't stand Cole's mommy car. My wolf grumbled. 

It's not a mommy car! I defended, but I was laughing, so it probably wasn't very convincing. 

Whatever at least we have style. 

You realize he's your brother too, right? You're meaner to him than I am!

You're siblings, it's natural to be mean to each other. Besides, he'll never know what I think of his car unless you tell him. And don't act like you don't think his car is ugly as hell too. 

Guess he'll never know what either of us thinks of his car, then. 

I pulled into the parking lot, deciding on a spot away from the entrance of the building. Latching the top back into place and locking the car, I walked to the entrance. 


The school day started normally. I made my way to my locker, grabbed my things, then headed off to class. There weren't as many kids as there normally were–Mondays were always like that. Kids would sleep in and show up late, usually halfway through second period. I always liked the nice peace and quiet before all the rowdy assholes arrived on Monday mornings. 

In class, Evan sat in his usual seat away from the door. Cole hadn't arrived yet, so I assumed there was a problem at the store, since my brother was normally punctual. 

Cole arrived just as the bell rang, stopping right before he walked in to make it look like hadn't just sprinted from the parking lot. He wasn't out of breath, which would seem suspicious for obvious reasons, so he had to act like he'd simply walked in at a normal pace and just made it. But you could tell he ran from the parking lot by the way he came in here. Cole took the seat on Evan's other side(he let us go back to sitting on either side of him, thankfully). 

"Uh. Are you okay?" Evan asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you come in late before." 

"Yeah I had to get a new phone, and it came in this morning, so I just figured I'd pick it up before school. There was a problem at the shop, so it took longer than I expected." Cole answered easily.

Evan didn't have time to respond before class started. So he simply nodded and focused on the lecture. 

That's odd, he doesn't have his sketchbook.

Maybe he needs a better grade?

Have you met Evan? That boy gets fantastic grades. And that's when he doesn't even pay attention in class and barely studies!

That was true. Evan took great notes and got good grades relatively easily. He didn't have to listen to the lessons in class for that. He'd look up every so often to jot it all down and then he'd go back to his sketchbook. He had one with him pretty much everywhere he went, but he had a few different sketchbooks he carried around with him, which was interesting in and of itself. So it was definitely odd for him not to have one out on the desk as the lecture went on. Today was just a review for tomorrow's quiz, so we weren't learning anything new.

I'd have to remember to ask him about it later. Unlike him, I needed this review. 

A/N: Short Chapter 🤷‍♀️

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