Break the Cycle

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"Evan!" Great, the undercover rich boy is back.

Mark sat at a table close to the middle of the room. I didn't really have anyone else to sit with since Noah was still in the nurse's office, so I shrugged and sat next to Mark.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"You tell me! I heard you beat the shit out of Derek Jorgenson in the hallway during fourth period! What the hell happened, man?"

"He was beating on my little brother! Was I just supposed to let Noah get his ass kicked?"

"No, no, I totally get it, he's family and that shit's important."

It wasn't very important to our parents....

"Thanks. What's the rest of your day been like?"

"Eh, nothing specia-what the fuck!?" Mark cut himself off, looking over my shoulder with wide eyes. I turned around to see my Homeroom Headaches heading this way, dangerous smirks on their faces.

Shit, wait, they're not mine....

"Hello gentlemen, may we sit here?" Mr. Douchebag asked politely.

"I don't want you to, but you will anyway, won't you?" I answered. I ignored the twins' affronted looks and went back to my conversation.

"Do me and you have any other classes together?" I asked Mark, sliding my schedule between us so we could both see.

"Yeah! We both have English after lunch with Miss. Mave." Mark noticed, grinning.

I was doing pretty good at ignoring the twins(who were glaring at both of us) until one of them spoke up.

"I've got that class next too." The quieter one noted.

"Evan aren't you going to introduce us?" The loudmouthed twin asked, ignoring his brother's comment.

"Mark, these are the Twin Terrors, Twins, this is my buddy Mark. Will you go away now?"

"Ouch. My name is Cole, and my hot-headed brother here is Ace." The quieter twin stuck out his hand. I shook it hesitantly and then Mark shook as well. Cole had a firm handshake. And his hands were much bigger than mine. And they were warm too....

Why the hell is Ace pouting?

"I would like to apologize for any stupid shit my brother has done to try to get your attention." I like this twin more.

"Pfft. Thanks, I guess. As long as he learns how to speak to people like a normal human being instead of like he's a terribly written main character in a werewolf TV drama, we're good."

That comment made Cole grin. He nodded. "So.... English?" Mark, Cole, and I made small talk while Ace snuck in a dirty joke here and there. Lunch eventually ended and we all headed to class, except Ace, who whined over having to go to French while his twin got to hang out with me in English.

Mark snorted. "Wow, I feel so wanted."

Cole patted him on the shoulder sympathetically. "Sorry. My brother can only focus on one thing at once and Evan's cute little face is taking up all his attention."

Mark nodded as if that was a valid explanation. "Makes sense."

I spluttered while they kept talking.

The rest of the day wasn't so bad. English was kinda boring and I'm definitely going to bring a bigger sketchbook for history, because that shit was the worst! It was almost like listening to fucking Professor Binns from Harry Potter talking about the god damned Goblin Wars! I was half tempted to just flip my desk so something would happen.

I headed to the front gate and waited for my brother to meet me there. I'd checked in on him at lunch and between classes to make sure he was still okay. When the last bell rang, I went to his teachers and collected his homework.

Noah finally made it out amongst the crowd of teens leaving the school and joined me at the Gate. I handed him his backpack and we started walking.

"I hope you've got someone who takes notes for you in each class, because you've got homework." I told him. He groaned.

"But even if I don't, you'll still help me right?" Noah asked.

I snorted. "Of course. But I also want you to get to know people who will have your back, like people who share their notes if you miss classes, or take notes for you when you're absent."

Noah relaxed and we walked home in peaceful silence. Neither of us were very talkative and we already knew each other so well that there wasn't much to talk about. And I didn't want to bring up the fight until we were actually home. I can walk off an incident like that no sweat, but Noah usually freaks out if he gets involved in stuff like that. He may seem fine now, but it wasn't a sure thing that he'd already gotten over it. He might freak out once we got home.

I asked Noah about it while he was sitting on the couch doing homework and thankfully, he didn't break down. He seemed a little shaken up, but the reasoning behind the fight wasn't anything serious and I'd already told him I handled things with the principal, so he didn't feel the need to flip out. Apparently, Derek Jorgenson had spent all of his and Noah's shared PE period trying to one up the new kid just to fuck with him and Noah had instead proceeded to whoop Derek's ass for the Mile they were forced to do once a week. Then Derek had called him out and when Noah decided to be sassy, he got popped on the mouth. I did learn that Noah got a couple good swings in and caught Derek in the jaw and the ribs, so it wasn't a complete embarrassment. But, Derek was bulkier than Noah, so he eventually got the upper hand and that's when I got involved.

We called Aunt Sofie and told her what happened. She made sure we were both okay and that she didn't have to sue anyone and then we said our goodbyes. After that, Noah and I composed our list of groceries to get tomorrow. Then we just finished our homework(neither of us could sit still and stay concentrated long enough to do all the homework in one go).

It was my turn to make dinner(box noodles, canned green beans, and oven chicken nuggets), then it was off to bed to get ready to deal with tomorrow.

Some first day, huh.....

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