Annoyance by Avoidance

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After the companionable and comfortable hangout with Ace and Cole on Saturday, I realized something–I needed to spend some time away from the twins. I needed to think things through with a clear head that wasn't being won over by their warmth and smooth words.

It's only been a few days since that hangout and whenever I'm around the twins, my train of thought gets sidetracked and practically shoved off the rails. It was almost like Cole and Ace personally bodyslammed the train off the tracks themselves. 

I already had Noah to take care of. I promised myself that I'd get him through high school so he could have a good life when he had to be an adult. Noah was my everything, and I'm pretty sure I'm his everything. We were so close that anything that affected me, affected him too. 

So, I spent the whole day avoiding the Terrible Twosome. 

Of course, the classes we shared were going to be difficult, but this was something I needed to do. I knew it would be harder now after Saturday, and it would most definitely hurt them, but my priority was Noah and only Noah. Mark and the Twins were all irrelevant.  

Walking into Homeroom, I noticed the twins sitting at the far end of the room guarding a free seat between them, so I took the seat that was the farthest away from them that I could find. In my periphery, I saw them try to get up and move, but the bell rang and the teacher got up to start the class. They both sat down in disappointment. They both looked like kicked puppies, pouting and glancing at me from across the room. 

As the teacher started to discuss equations, I just couldn't keep my attention on her. Instead, I took out a notebook and made it seem as if I was writing notes, but I was doodling. Doodling frustratedly. I tried so hard not to think about them, but it was no use with them both watching me with those pretty blue-green eyes that were so expressive. God this was unfair!

I never had a problem with both stepping over and on people to keep up my job as an older brother and the sole guardian of Noah. Not before now, at least. And Noah just reached high school! Now was not the time to trip up! 

I scowled as I shaded the drawing darker. My art, whenever I was annoyed, mad, or sad, always reflected that. Right now, I was mostly freehanding a sketch of a gargoyle I'd seen in a picture of Notre Dame before. It was a very ugly and very disgruntled gargoyle. Which is what I felt like on the inside.

If I ever went back over this and then colored it in, it would look more like the light of fire was bouncing off the stone creature, casting heavy, dark shadows on the parts the firelight didn't reach.  

Wow, that was dark, even for me. Damn these twins….


Avoidance was easy when you could just enter a class after them as late as possible(was it me or did those twins practically speedwalk everywhere to get there perfectly on time or early). 

But in PE where there were no desks and the class moved about freely, there was no avoiding someone when they wanted to be around you. And to make matters worse, Mondays were Mile days, which meant you couldn't even be separated by a court. 

So obviously there was going to be a very annoyed twin keeping pace with me the entire time, trying his best to get me to crack under pressure."Come on Evan, why won't you just tell me what's going on?"

Nope, sorry, but even I'm not entirely sure what my deal is, buddy.

Picking up my pace, I ran as fast as I could. Yet, my escape attempts were in vain, as he caught up to me easily. Somehow he ended up in front of me. When I tried to continue by going around him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"Stop it! You can't just run away from your problems, it never ends well! Tell me what's going on with you!" He practically growled at me. If there was any way to make me not want to open up, it was demanding things of me. 

"No! Nothing is going on, so just leave me alone!"

"There's something wrong–you've spent the whole day so far ignoring Cole and me! Just tell me what's wrong!"

"Jesus Christ, don't you know to give someone space when they're avoiding you?!" I cried out in frustration. 

"Don't you know that people can't read your mind and might be concerned for you?! We don't know why you're avoiding us, Evan, we're not telepaths!" He retorted. I almost stopped running, because shit, he had a point. 

"Just tell me if it's because of what happened on Saturday, please? Did Cole and I do something wrong? Did–did I do something wrong?" Ace pleaded. 

Shit, fuck, he looks so hurt. Does it really bother him that much that he might be the problem after he's acted all arrogant and annoying since I met him? I guess Ace does have layers. Hm. 

"It's not just you, no. You and Cole….I need distance between us. You two make it hard to think! So just back off, okay?!" I finally answered, flustered. I ran past the boy. He didn't try to catch up to me this time, though I didn't doubt he could. 

Ace left me alone for the rest of PE, but he didn't look happy about it. Honestly, I was just happy he was finally understanding what boundaries were. 

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