Protective and Possessive

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Learning Evan was in Gym Class with me was almost too good to be true. It's like the goddess herself wants me to push him against the wall and rip off all the clothing covering his undoubtedly perfect body. 

And I was having fun teasing him when some kids ran by to go watch some poor freshman getting his shit rocked. 

I looked over to my mate and just caught his worried expression before he took off like a gazelle being hunted by a lion. Damn he's fast….

Good for hunting. My wolf grunted in approval. I rolled my eyes and followed Evan. 

I arrived at the scene just in time to watch Evan fucking roundhouse kick Derek Jorgenson in the back of the head, then follow up with a ball-busting kick, and then spit the coolest threat I've ever heard in my life at the boy whimpering on the floor. 

Our little mate has more than a little fight in him. Let's fuck him. 

Wh–Not in front of the whole school, you horny mutt!

I did learn something new from this, though: Evan has a little brother that he's apparently very protective of. 

Perfect for taking care of pups and looking after the pack.

I silently agreed. 

But if he ever tries talking to us that way, I'm going to fuck him until he can't stand. 

Mmm, now THAT is something we can agree on. 

As everyone continued on with their day and Evan led his injured brother to the nurse, I hauled ass back to the gymnasium. All anyone in the whole damn class could talk about was the fight. I refused to admit that I was jealous of everyone witnessing the badassery that was Evan Fischer in a fit of protective rage when I wanted him all to myself. I wondered if someone recorded that whole thing? I'd have to find Cole and ask to see the video later, he was definitely in the crowd taking a video–it was one of my twin's hobbies that our father had never approved of, but never put a stop to. 

When Evan walked back into class, all eyes were immediately on him. He just ignored all the stares and went straight to the teacher with the bright magenta hall pass he'd probably gotten from the nurse. The teacher took the note and sent Evan to mingle among the students until today's P.E. lesson started. 

Walking by to get to his assigned number on the side of the gym, he smirked at me and I just knew he was gonna open that sassy, sarcastic mouth of his. 

He leaned close to me, still smirking, and drawled out, "Miss me?" before walking away! 

I adjusted my gym shorts discreetly. 

Holy fuck….I don't think I've been more turned on than I am right now.

Class went by miserably slow, I had to endure watching Evan run laps and get all sweaty, then climb ropes that hung from the ceiling and flex wiry muscles that blended in with the thin layer of fat on his body, then watch his shirt stick to his chest and back while he did sit ups and push ups! 

I didn't know if I was excited or nervous to share the communal showers with the other guys in class. Sure, there was both a section with individual stalls and a section of several sprayers in open space, but I didn't know if I'd be able to handle a naked Evan right now without the wolf going wild and fucking the hottie against the tiles. 

I scored a stall farthest to the wall, but I couldn't resist peeking out. Apparently, Evan was the type of guy who didn't give a shit who saw his dick. He stood there in all his lithe, pale glory, washing up with the other guys who were almost twice his size(normally all the skinnier, more insecure guys took the stalls and all the jocks and confident guys washed together). 

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