Him and I had barely gotten the time to know each other but I knew he had already started considering me a part of his family.

The way wolves worked, the whole pack was involved and loved. Considering that Xavier was our king, I couldn't even imagine how protective his instincts must be regarding Scarlett and I.

"That is not your decision, neither is it ours." Xavier voiced, "I think the only one who has the right to decide whether or not she should stay is Rose herself."

I gave him a small smile.

Either he was trying to get on my good side or he genuinely meant it. Either way, I was already liking our king.

"I would like to stay for now." I answered with certainty.

Gio's lips notched up just the slightest bit. If I hadn't been watching so intently, I would've missed the little muscle tick.

"There you have it." He said.

We were mute for the rest of the ride, all of us holding onto our secrets.

The car finally slowed to a stop and Gio nodded for everyone to follow him out.

Stepping out after him, I took in our surroundings.

A musty looking cottage stood in front of us, a few other houses scattered every mile or so around it. 

"This better not be who I think it is." Xavier voiced suspiciously.

Gio grinned his way not saying a word. He knocked on the door and all of us stood with bated breath.

A young woman opened the door and her strange appearance shocked me. She had eyes the color of the sun,  small black slits running in the center of her iris, hair an unnatural shade of white, and rich brown skin.

She leant against her door frame, hands on her hip, a grim expression marring her perfect face.

"You two again?" She groaned.

Wait what?

These two had met her before? Xavier had a history with Gio? 

Damn. Welp, it's not like I knew either of them personally but curse my name and call me Jesus, I was one hell of a curious gal.

Maybe I could ask Scarlett later.

"Pleased to see us, as always." Gio replied, walking in uninvited.

As if he owned the place.

Xavier still stood outside, looking unsure he wanted to go down this road again. Whatever this road was.

"I hope it's not a bad time witch?" Xavier asked the woman.

She scowled, "You better make this quick."

"You're a witch?" I asked before I could contain my excitement.

As if only now noticing my presence, her head snapped my way, her strange eyes boring into my soul.

"Yes wolf." She replied with a snarky tone.

I cracked a flirtatious smile, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you witch."

I reached for her hand, kissing the outer side. It was how their kind greeted each other.

She looked at me with a more perceptive eye, finally stepping out of her doorway to let us all through.

The room we had entered, smelt strongly of herbs. It had warm rugs scattered across the house, a few cats lingering here and there. 

"What is it that you need this time?" She asked, "Or rather how much are you willing to pay?"

"Just a good ol' sound proofing spell Lanamiya, that's all." Gio said, finally addressing her by her name.

"You already know what it'll cost you."

Both Xavier and Gio nodded.

The old witch begin to cast a spell, throwing different mixtures onto her salt laid table. All types of crystals were positioned in a circle, the pattern mesmerizing. 

"You may begin." The witch announced before leaving the room herself.

"I need a blood oath from you. An oath to not share what you hear in this room today with anyone else." Gio finally said.

"What is that you wish to share with us?" Scarlett asked.

Her and I both knew better than to take a blood oath lightly. If broken, it could curse your whole existence, your whole lineage. Magic anyway was not our affinity so it would only worsen the effect that much more. 

"Knowledge is currency in my kingdom, you know it just as well as I do Xavier. I will not impart it without some sort of payment from your side first." Gio declared.

His kingdom? LOL, this man was really dedicated to his species huh? He for sure needed a reality check.

"Your asking price is too high, a blood oath Gio?!" Xavier countered, "You'll have to give us a lot more than just vague answers before we agree to such a big concordat."

"Fine." He grumbled, "We found your sister in an abandoned hospital, only to find out there were a bunch of species working together. I doubt that the council isn't aware of it. They're keeping it under wraps and I want to know why. It's no coincidence that the timeline aligns with that of an old prophecy and we would be fools to think otherwise. "

Xavier signed. Scarlett seemed to be on edge, as if what she had just heard made her severely uncomfortable.

Was I missing out some major piece of information?

"I am asking for your help." Gio continued, "Your help to uncover what in the seven worlds is going on. And I can only part more information with you if you swear your silence on the matter. I have already overshared."

"See? Was that so hard?" Xavier teased.

"That's what she said." I whispered.

All of them looked at me as if I had grown a third head.

Screw them and their supernaturally gifted hearing. That was supposed to be an inside joke, for me and my ears only.

"I can't guarantee any help from anyone else, but I'm eager to learn more about this situation and I have a lot of insight that might help. I'll join you in that blood oath, for old times sake." Xavier smiled.

Gio turned to Scarlett and I next.

"Let's do it, I guess." She shrugged, trusting Xavier.

Me, on the other hand, I wanted nothing to do with this.

I just wanted to go back to Cuba, where my office was located.

Where my life was normal, where I didn't have to worry about what could possibly go wrong with my day. Where I was not questioning my sanity.

I looked over at Xavier and Scarlett, standing hand in hand. Their eyes only held concern.

I had so many questions. So many unanswered thoughts.

Fuck it, I might as well throw myself into this.

What harm could a little bit of information do anyway? 


Hi guys! How've you been? 

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~ Xoxo


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