IV : Royalty

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Hey y'all, guess who got covid? It's ya gurl. Lol, I need to take this more seriously but what can be done now? I'm just quarantined and taking my medicines :)

The one good thing out of this for me I guess, is that I'll be able to update more often since I'll be out of work.

I hope you guys are staying healthy <3

Here's another chapter.

Chapter IV

Third person's P

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Third person's P.O.V.

"There haven't been any of your kind on our lands in over a century. " The red headed vampire drawled, "I wonder what brings you here."

A peculiar trait that all vampires shared was the dire need to play games. 

The vampires knew the wolves were strong, yet they wanted to get on their nerves. If not in   power, they could definitely defeat wolves by their innate ability to mess with another's head.

It really had been a long time since they last had werewolves enter their land, especially the forest itself.

It was simply asking for trouble.

The vampires craved a good hunt and the wolves had just landed in their palms. They were going to make this last.

Unlike most fetal enemies, wolves and vampires had no mercy for each other.

They wouldn't give the other a quick and easy death. They would make the whole process as slow and painful as possible.

They didn't care how messy it got. 

A few of the amateur vamps started messing with the four men who seemed hell bent on protecting the women who was among them.

One of the soldiers pushed back a vampire for getting to close in his personal space.  He didn't like the prickling feeling irking through his veins. The vampire was backed by a few others as he tried to grab onto the wolves collar. 

"Boys, boys," Said a sickly sweet voice, "we're not here to fight."

They let him go reluctantly.

Scarlett, on the other hand, wouldn't stop her wolves from going after these strangers.

"What's so special about her?" One of them said to his companion.

"Maybe they treat all their women like that." He answered, "They must do it out of respect."

"Or, they're just the weaker links." His friend replied smugly.

Scarlett's ears caught on to the disrespect and she couldn't help but let out a growl, "Tell that boy to shut his mouth. One more word and I'll show him just how weak I am."

As others got a closer look, something surprising happened.

"Nobody lays a hand on her." Hissed one of the vampires harshly. It was Martha.

Martha was one of the oldest vampires in their group- they treated her word as law. Everybody stared at her strangely.

"She bears the mark of Royalty." She whispered, as if in shock," I haven't seen one since the renaissance era."

 Silence settled over the group.

Scarlett was thrown off by that statement. How could she possibly know she was werewolf royalty when she herself was yet to accept the position. She hadn't even transitioned. 

What mark though? She looked down at her own body, scanning herself curiously.

Upon finding nothing, she looked at her four companions, they appeared equally lost.

"We must take her to the palace then." One of them announced.

All this while, Scarlett had actually dialed Xavier's number in the burner phone in her pocket. She had been sly about it too. She was only hoping when he picked up, he would be smart enough to not say a thing. The vampires had ears just as sensitive as werewolves.

She wanted him to hear in on the conversation. He had probably landed in Paris anyway. He was supposed to be on his way right about now.

Xavier had just settled into the black SUV when his personal cell started ringing. His number was only with a handful so he knew better than to ignore it.

Looking at the unknown number, he swiped answer as he lifted the phone to his ear.

He could hear a conversation on the other hand. There was a growl.


Scarlett had called him. Gripping onto the phone he pointed at one of his guards to open up the laptop.

He need the coordinates. Connecting a wire to the cell, he continued to listen in on the conversation until the exact location had been tracked down in the gps system.

The car turned lanes, heading in that direction.

As the trees passed by them, Xavier formed a fist.

It was time to make the sinners pay.


There you have it, another chapter. It was a little shorter but I hope you enjoyed it <3

As always, if you did, please don't forget to vote, comment and share. It really does make my whole ass day.

I love you.

Stay happy.


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