XX : Sunlight

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Song above - Down on me by Jeremih ft. 50 cents.

Damn, we're on chapter 20 already huh? Crazy. Feels like just yesterday I was getting all excited to write down this story. Also, I'm aware that the updates have been a little slow lately but bare with me, we'll get to consistency soon enough. I'm developing a schedule for y'all <3

Anyway, without further ado, here's another chapter <3


Chapter XX

Scarlett Ruse

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Scarlett Ruse

We were about to get in the car and make a mad dash for the louvre, both Xavier and I rushing to our room once we ended the call with Hayden.

I had just finished tucking in my knives in the satchel when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I replied, wrapping the satchel around my thigh.

Xavier walked in, looking a little uncertain.

"What's up?" I asked cautiously. I could not handle another fuck up.

"Gio just texted me." 

"And?" I urged him to answer.

"He claims he's found your sister." A grave looks settled onto his face, "In fact he's with her right now."

"Fucking hell, do we believe him?"

He ran a frustrated hand down his face, "I don't know. I've been going crazy thinking about all the endless possibilities. It could be a trap, he's known for lying."

Xavier almost hissed the last part out. I was so sure these two had some history as well.

"Let me talk to him." I demanded.

"I already tried calling him-" Xavier tried arguing but I gave him a pointed look.

He passed me his phone, my fingers clicking the dial before it was fully in my hold. I put the phone on speaker and waited impatiently. After a few rings, the call went to voicemail.

Groaning, I chucked the phone onto the bed.

"We could do one thing." Xavier suggested, "One of us could go meet up with Gio while the other goes to the Louvre."

"That's probably our best shot unless Gio is setting up a trap." I agreed.

He nodded, "That's why I'll go see Gio. You should go surf the city out for any signs of her." 

"Xavier, he's probably counting on you being the one that shows up. It'll get messy of you go." I countered.

"Even messier if you do." He flat out replied.

Before I could argue any further, a notification sound went off.

Both of our heads whipped towards the bed and Xavier retreated his phone, unlocking it.

Sure enough, Gio had texted him a location and time along with a picture of Rose tied up in a car.

The text underneath it read- 'Be late and she'll see a different type of sunlight.'

 My blood ran cold.

To a human, this phrase may have meant nothing, but to us supernaturals - that meant being converted or in other words - turned.

It was rare, almost impossible. I had heard legends of the few supernaturals who had turned. There were a handful, at most. It was not common to come across them because for a turning to be successful it had to be willing. You don't usually come across an individual ready to give up their own species. It was also a very painful process from what I'd heard.

This bitch wanted to die. He had a death wish. 

Rushing out of the door, fury exuberated from my body.

"Scarlett!" Xavier fell in step after, grabbing onto my shoulders and holding me in my place.

"Let go." I growled, my wolf already having taken control of my body.

His face softened before he commanded, "Relax."

As if on autopilot, my body did exactly that.

Even when my mind was panicking, my body was absolutely numb.

"He wants this exact reaction from you. It's all a sick game to him." He explained, his arms gently rubbing mine in a comforting manner.

"He wants you to be all worked, not thinking with a clear head." Xavier continued, "That's just how he's always been."

Taking  a deep breath, I sighed, "So what do we do now?"

"We go, just like we planned before. You to the Louvre and me to meet that asshole. I'll ring Hayden up again to make sure this area is safe although I highly doubt this area is going to have any cameras." He placed both of his hands on my cheeks, rubbing his thumb in circular motion.

"He has her." I rested my forehead against his chest.

"We'll bring her back home, I know it." He assured me before placing a kiss on my forehead and wrapping his arms around me.


That's all for todays update :)

I hope you liked this chapter <3

Please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!

~ Xoxo


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