VII : Breathing Fire

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Chapter VII

Giovanni Ambrose Elysian Asphodel

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Giovanni Ambrose Elysian Asphodel

King of the cold blooded.

"Giovanni, you were named by your parents for a reason. Your name alone holds a lot of power." Marlow my oldest maid signed, "Must I remind you, Giovanni means god is gracious and Asphodel was your mothers favorite flower. The ancient Greeks associated it with death and the underworld, believing there was a meadow of asphodel and considered it sacred to Persephone. Your name signifies the paradigm of life itself."

"Get out." I said, unbothered by her useless banter. The only reason she was still alive was because my dearest mother had order it to be so.

If not for her, I would discard Marlow's pestering ass without a wasted breath.

She hadn't the slightest clue about my parents real intentions, or the origin of my name. I'd rather keep it that way to.

Today I was anyway mad at my fellow nephews.  I was waiting for their arrival as I flipped through some documents.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened as in walked the two devils. Once they were stood in front of my stody, I glanced up from the documents.

"Now," I demanded, "What did you two morons do with my chariot?" 

Cooper looked uneasy as he glanced in James direction. James stood there, shoulders back.

It wasn't that I used the carriage at all, it was the significance of the chariot itself. It was a gift from Alaric, one of the wealthiest vampires in the world. His wife was a witch and they had cast a spell on the chariot.

A millennium ago, I had saved their son from an evil fae and they decided to get a gold chariot build for me.

Now, that chariot was a well known symbol of my rule all across France. 

Nobody had dared to touch it, despite the greed visible in their eyes. One thing that I admired about our race was that they bowed down to only malicious power. Of course, the power had to be displayed through different circumstances but it got the job done for long enough.

When the two of them were done explaining the situation to me, I was baffled. The two eggheads had been knocked out cold by a woman. 

"And why exactly did you let a human onto my chariot in the first place?"

"Get the garrisons ready, tell them I need the chariot back before twilight." I spit through my teeth.

The mere thought of someone having the balls to steal from me, made my blood boil. It was the disrespect that drove me against the wall.

It didn't help that I had a short temper either.

Throwing the vase placed next to me, I watched it fly across the room, smashing right in the space between their heads.

They both stood their, knowing better than to flinch. Knowing better than to give me a reaction.

"She dropped her bracelet." Cooper said enthusiastically as James tried to give him the stink eye, "Let everyone get her scent. We'll find her within the hour."

He paced my way, dropping the delicate chain in my hand. Before even getting a whiff, I raised the bracelet just above my head. It was a thin gold chain with two charms on it. Wolves.

As adorable as the intricate little thing was, I could feel myself fuming now, "A fucking wolf stole from you?"

I was breathing fire.

"You let a fucking WOLF on my chariot?" Red, that's all I saw as a whiplashed to the other side of the room, choke slamming Cooper into the wall.

Sinking my nails into his throat, I let the warm liquid trickle down his neck. Pulling him away from the wall, I threw him against the glass cabinet. 

Everything fell off the shelves, the glass piercing through his skin. 

A bottle of rum was placed on the table next to me. Picking it up next, I smashed it against James head.

He just stood their, barely closing his eyes on contact. James had grown quiet numb to pain throughout his years with me.

Dropping the remains onto the floor, I shook my hand, the cold glass splinters falling off of me.

Slowly walking back to where I stood, I bent down to grab the bracelet.

Trying to take a small sniff, I closed my eyes. There was barely any smell. I could smell the grass it had fallen into and I could even smell Coopers detergent on it.

But there was something else, a faint smell of vanilla body wash lingered onto the trinket. Over the years, my nose had become so accustomed to all the smells around me, it surprised me that such a common smell had the neurons in my brain working over time.

It was scarcely there and yet I couldn't seem to get enough.  

James cleared his throat in the background, "Gio, I'd be happy to get the scent to the garrison."

Even though this was what he was supposed to do, I didn't want to let go of the bracelet.

He approached me and to my surprise my fist only tightened around the bracelet. Forcing myself to open my fist, I dropped it onto his palm, marching angrily to the gate.

"I want her back alive." I gritted, wanting to put a face to this mystery woman. One who dared to steal from me.

Trailing to my balcony, I looked out at the murky hills. The gloomy skies stretched on forever, my finite vision fixated on the bats briskly flapping their wings, tails in tow.

Annoyed at them, I snapped my fingers, all of them falling to their demise.  

Sipping blood from the expensive glass, I swallowed it in vexation. It had been a long time since anyone had gotten on my nerves.

It was time to raise chaos again.



Here we go again <3

~ All my love


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