The Cabin

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Aisha Pov

It was like a heavy sigh of relief once the house stood before us in all its wooden glory. We got out, stretched and then started to unload our equipment into the house that would be our new safe hold for the time being.

"Okay gang. Let's see what Aisha's book says next and we will start preparing for the worst of what could happen." My brother says as we huddle around the fireplace in the center of the cabin.

Numbers of agreement rang around the group and I pull the book out from my backpack that had all my necessities. The book lands on the table with a loud smack and has everyone temporarily silent.

"Okay now that we are here we need to think for different stages of survival. First is protection." I say turning to a page with weapons, bordering, fences and lookouts.

"We aren't nearly strong enough to even think about going into the city, not to mention we had a small encounter with the zombies and look how that turned out. I know you want to go to your families but what good will going to save them be, if you can't even protect yourself?" I ask and everyone remains silent.

"If this is going to be our base, we need to fortify it before we are over run with zombies..." chase steps forwards looking down at the book and picks it up.

"I can't tell weather you are bat shit crazy or the luckiest Fucking person on the planet." I meet his eye and smile smile a little at his words. Honestly it is pure coincidence... or maybe I had always known, I wasn't to sure.

"I'd say bat shit crazy." I turn to Maria seeing her oversized shirt which must have been my brothers, her bare legs out and I couldn't help but glare in my brothers direction.

Were they shagging in the middle of a apocalypse? My brothers brown eyes met mine and he raised them in question. I grit my teeth trying to bite back the nasty comment I had lodged in my throat.

"Well Maria you go ahead and tell us what to do then." I say to her. Everyone regards her and we watch as she slowly turns pink with embarrassment.

"Stay the fuck away from me Aisha." She turned around heading up the stairs to the bedroom and slamming the door shut as if this was her own house and she could do as she wanted.

"What a bitch." Candy whispers and flops on the couch, her red blotchy face reminding me that we hadn't even had time to sleep or eat dinner. We had driven the whole night and none of us looked good at all.

"I think we should sleep-"

"Call dibs on the bed!" Chase says dashing down to the other room with his bag of supplies. Mike looked at all of us then sighed turning in the same direction.

"This surprisingly isn't the first time I've slept with him in the same bed. But I'm the only one that can handle those vicious snores so I'll do it for the sake of the people." Oliver snickers at Mikes comment and sits on the other couch.

"I got this couch then I guess." He makes. Himself comfortable while looking towards my brother and I. Aaeiden sighs and walks up the stairs to follow Maria while I stand awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen.

"I guess I'll keep first watch then." Candy tilts her head and leans her chin on her hand looking at me.

"Meaning?" She asks.

"Well, someone has to stay up and warn the rest incase of anything." Oliver snorts and rubs his face tiredly.

"This is literally the walking dead." He says falling on his back and staring at the ceiling. I nod and grab three blankets from the basket to throw on each couch, I take the armchair not sure what else I am supposed to do but stay up and listen for anything out of place.

I stand up after an hour of reading through the information we gathered to stretch my legs. Outside crickets sang and the moon was out shinning through the woods, I make my way outside the house careful to lock it by sliding a piece of wood over the door. I had no idea how smart the zombies were but I was hoping it would at least slow them down.

The porch was dimly lit by the orange light bulb over head. I followed the wooden structure until I stood on the edge looking down at the water. I sighed and sat down allowing my toes to dip into the freezing cold water.

Memories of diving off these floorboards with friends on summer holidays. Sunbathing, fishing, just overall being typical teenagers, now all that was gone I knew that now. I just had to accept that.

A breeze blew across the water and flowed through my hair reminding me how dirty it was since I hadn't washed it in a while.

"Aisha?" I jumped and turned to look at Oliver who came to sit next to me on the porch. I held my heart trying to stop the heavy beating inside my chest but it remained hammering. Would this how it would be? Remaining on instinct? Ready to jump at any second because danger was around?

"Are you okay?" I sighed and leaned against Oliver's shoulder, just completely comforted by his presence next to me.

"We need to learn how to survive as quick as possible." I whispered and Oliver hummed in agreement. I leaned back so I could look into his green eyes.

"Oliver I'm really sorry about your family- as soon as we are prepared I promise I will personally come with you to find them-"

"It's alright, I understand why we couldn't go into the city- it's just I worry- I don't know man... im constantly asking myself if they are dead you know?" I wrap my arms around his waist just holding him close.

"Everything is going to get very hard before it can be normal again." I said. I felt Oliver nod and wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"I'll stick by you Aisha, I trust you. I'm sure the others will follow you right now, but I want to ask are you prepared to be a leader?" He said. His question throwing me off guard. A leader??? I swallowed hard and contemplated it. If leading meant everyone's life was in my hands then no, I was not prepared. But if I could offer my ideas and suggestions to the group then that was what I could do.

"No I am not ready, but I promise this group means everything to me right now. I refuse to let you guys down and I will lay down my life if it meant saving one of yours." I said wiping away a tear and standing up as I spoke. I would very much like

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