The Dress

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Chapter Two

Aisha POV

I put my hair in a ponytail and swish it around watching it fly around behind my back. I skip around my room grabbing jeans and a cute top to match my shoes. I had always liked shiny objects, thus my wrists were covered with many bracelets, and around my neck hung three necklaces and one choker.

"AISHA! CAN YOU HURRY UP?" I jump at my brother's voice but I run down the stairs only to run back up because I had forgotten my bag. I really didn't have any thought process this early in the morning.

It was Monday  and like any 17-year-old, I had school. Hearing my brother's angry stomps I grab my bag and dash out of my room.

The whole ride to school was quiet. My brother drove unnecessarily fast because we were not late. The whole weekend I had been working over at the flower store about a 5-minute walk from my house. I was paid well enough and I loved the work. It was located at the edge of the city much like our house, it was surrounded by a huge forest that bordered the city for miles and miles.

Once my brother pulls up in the parking lot, I quickly hop out and make my way through the school to my locker.

School was a bore and other than some couple drama circling, it wasn't interesting in the slightest. By the time I was done I was dragging my bag on the ground and hopping in my brothers car lazily.

As I sat on my bed in my room I hear my brother yell my name in a panicked tone. Putting down the book I had in my hands, I walk down the stairs to see my brother and his best friend standing at the front door.

"Hey Mike, what up? Did you need something?" I ask looking at the pair. Mike was larger than my brother by an entire head, with a well-defind body and long strong legs to support wide shoulders used for winning gold medals in swimming competitions. With his green eyes and dark brown hair, he was a fairly attractive guy in his defense. Just not my type. My brother had always been more social than I had and it was only a matter of weeks before he had a best friend and even a girlfriend. Unlike me.

"Well, we were wondering if you wanted to come to the party with us tonight." It took me a second to register my brother's words and then I smiles really widely only to frown again.

"That's really nice of you but I don't have anything to wear..." I say and then my brother produces a box out of thin air. I walk down the remainder of the steps and stand next to them. The box was small and I wondered what color the dress was.

"Happy early birthday Aisha." My eyes widen and realization floods me. I had completely forgotten that it was my birthday in just five days!" A huge smile breaks across my lips at my stupidity. I looked to my brother and then back to Mike hoping they saw the gratitude in my stare.

Mike was an okay guy, he was nice to me and liked to include me when I was around for which I was thankful.

"Go get ready, we leave when you are ready." I squeal happily and run up the stairs. My clothes were off in seconds and I was pulling the box open to reveal a shiny black fabric. Putting my hands into the silky texture I lick it up and unfold it over my body looking in my full-length mirror.

I narrow my eyes at the length, it would reach around mid-thigh, if I bent over my ass would be flashing around the party.

I look at my underwear and approve of it. It's all black matching my dress, the bra has pretty lace patterns of roses. Slipping on the dress I shiver as the cold fabric slides over my body like a glove... a rather tight glove.

Looking in the mirror it's hard not to gasp at how nice the dress looked, although a bit showy, it was a perfect size. I wondered how my brother had managed to get such a nice dress like this. And it happened to be my size? Something wasn't adding up. This dress was too perfect to be from my brother.

I turn in the mirror and got a good look at my ass and I appreciated the large round curve of it. My shoulders were exposed as well, making my neck look longer. My boobs were pushed up already by the bra I was wearing, this made a slight amount of cleavage show just at the top of the dress.

I paired the shimmering dress with a pear of rather high black wedges and some fishnet stockings. Deciding on having only mascara on my eyes and my hair in a high bun, I walked down the stairs smelling like the cherry perfume I sprayed.

Mike's high-pitched whistle sounds as I walk down the stairs and stand before them at the kitchen table. He stands up, walks to me, and grabs my hand. He holds it above my head and twisted my wrist making my body spin automatically.

I felt his eyes roam over my figure before my brother snatched him away from me with a stern glare in Mike's direction.

Mike puts his hands up in surrender. "What? She is super hot in that dress." I flush at his words but then the same question floods my mind.

"Who helped you get this dress? You two don't know the first thing about dresses." I say with a slight frown on my face.

"Okay, I admit I had Maria's help with choosing it." I sigh and smile at the thought. My brother's girlfriend Maria wasn't very nice at all, she didn't like me and in return, I didn't like her. Why she had suggested this dress was strange and I wasn't sure I trusted it anymore.

Aiden saw my look and ran his hand in his hair. I noticed the loose shirt he wore with the rather fancy blue pants. Mike wore much the same but with shorts instead.

"Well anyway let's go to the party, you look good sis. Remember, you are not 18 until Saturday so no drinks till then." I roll my eyes at my brother while Mike snickers at my face and winks at me which I wink back.

"Sure whatever you say b r o," I say putting emphasis on bro. He narrows his eyes at me then grabs the sunglasses that rested on his head and slid them over his eyes.

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