The Horde

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Aisha POV

It took five hours of driving and we were still three hours from our destination. I leaned against the car shivering from the slight cool air, blowing through the valley. We had stopped at a gas station with a small convince store that had been almost completely over run.

Chase, Oliver and Mike all filled as many gallons of the free gas as they could. Using anything to hold the fuel and adding it to the back of the already full pick ups.

"It's so quite." Candy sat in the back of the car with the door wide open. Both of us to chicken to leave the safety of the vehicle to use the rest room. I nod at her. The gas station was in the middle of fields and the edge of the expansive forest.

Not a bird sang and no animals could be seen, it was slightly unnerving.

"Okay we are done we can go now." Chase says closing the back of the truck and wiping his fingers on his shirt. I nod and rub my arms when I realize I hadn't seen Aaeiden and Maria since they had gone to check the store.

"Hay where is Aaeiden and Maria?" Candy looks at me and Mike and Oliver stop talking to look around the station.

"I'll go check on them you guys stay here." Mike says and Oliver tags along leaving me, candy and Chase slightly tense.

"I'll check that the tires aren't flat." Chase says and I watch him walk around the car. We remain in silence just lost in our thoughts when Candy comes to lean against the car next to my knees.

"Sooo that guy-" I snorted at her words being completely taken off guard. My brain expanded and suddenly every detail of our interaction flooded me. I'm sure my face was very red within the next five seconds.

"I have no idea who you are talking about." She tilts her head at me. Her short blond hair tickling her shoulders and her blue eyes regarding me closely. She tsks.

"I'm talking about the hot hunk of absolute deliciousness that you have been fantasizing and worrying about for the past three days?" I avoid eye contact until she moves closer then I give up and sigh.

"I can't get him off my mind, it's like I'm always worrying and it's strange because I don't even know the dude." I look at her and I see a similar expression on her face and I remember her having some hot boy kissing her at the night of the party.

"I know exactly how you feel, I can't get that boy out of my head and it's driving me crazy. I hope they are both safe at least." She says sighing and rubbing her wrist. I notice a smudge mark across it and I raise my eyebrow at her.

"Oh it's just his number... I never got the chance to get it on my phone." I give her a tight lip smile. Chase coughs and turns around to look at both of us sitting on the car, he joins us saying nothing just curious as to what we where discussing.

"Maybe in some other world, we are with them again." We both sigh together looking up at the darkening sky.

"If your talking about Koda-" a sudden scream has my heart leaping in my throat when it cuts of Chase, Maria runs around the corner bursting from the door and running for the car. Her pants missing and her eyes wide and fearful.

Mike, Aaeiden and Oliver sprint after her yelling orders that were to confusing.

"START THE DAMN CAR!" My body freezes staring into the eyes of a small child that was sprinting towards me. His mouth opened and stained red, his school uniform plastered red and his right arm mangled at his side yet he ran as if he was alive and nothing was wrong.

Each footstep he took was like a gunshot in my mind as he got closer and closer. I screamed closing my eyes and shoving my foot in his chest as soon as he got close, automatically, as if I was in a trans, no... it was something deeper something more primal it was instinct.

Opening my horrified eyes I look as the zombie crashes to the floor growling and screaming loudly. My foot smashes down on his throat and a crunch fills my ears and I couldn't help but repeat my action until blood coated my air forces.

A scream sounded besides me and Candy had her arm gripped on by a zombie, the woman's bloodied fingerprints placed on her shoulder and her face leaning into her throat.

I jump forwards grabbing the woman's hair in my fingers and with all my might I throw her weight to the ground.

"CANDY IN THE CAR NOW!" I scream shoving her into the open car door and slamming it behind her. I jump over the woman zombie that slowly gets up from the ground missing a hand and most of her stomach muscles.

I watch as Mike and Oliver both take down a rather buff zombie rather easily. Maria sits In Aaeidens car huddled in the corner probably crying, Chase grabs arm shoving me into the front seat of his car and then he jumps in too.

Luckily we all manage to escape the rest of the zombies that pour out of the trees like a swarm. Some run, some limp, others move on the ground in gruesome ways.

"Are you guys okay?" Chase asks and I remain silent. Candys heavy breathing fills the car.

Chase puts his hand on my thigh then turns his head to look at the other car behind us.

"Seems like everyone got out of there... did you take down that woman?" He asks and I nod soundlessly, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay.

"She saved my life..." candy leans over the seat crumbling once more holding onto my arm and sobbing rather loudly. I couldn't hear what was happening after a few minutes, my eyes become unfocused and my breathing completely stopping.


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