The Party

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Chapter Three

Aisha Pov

We arrive at Maria's house fifteen minutes later in Aiden's car. I make sure to sit at the back with Mike so I didn't have to be close to the deva. We all turn out heads when we hear a high-pitched screech, the blonde bouncing to the car wearing next to nothing. Her mini skirt is way too tight and I fear that if she sits it will split.

She wore a zebra-striped crop top as well as matching heels. I tried not to roll my eyes any harder in fear of losing my eyes behind my eyelids. She hops in the front seat overflowing us with a strong vanilla scent before leaning over and kissing my brother's waiting lips.

He pulls out of the driveway and back onto the road, when Maria turns to look- examine me. Her eyes widen when she sees me and I swear she grimaced at my dress. Maybe she thought I would look terrible in it, well I hate to disappoint her but I was feeling confident more than ever now.

"Happy birthday." She says and I exchange a look with Mike who sits next to me, she turns around after I say nothing and we continue the ride in silence.

Once we reach the house that was holding the party, Mike holds my arm back while Aiden and Maria walk past the many cars parked in the driveway. I turn to look at him. He was handsome in a goofy way, he always had a mischievous smile and a joke or two up his sleeve.

"Are you okay? I know you and Maria don't have the best relationship." I eye him. His green eyes showed no answers to his sudden worry. I nod and turn to leave but he gently pulls me back again, I frown at him wondering what he was doing. Mike has never talked to me on my own unless my brother was with us.

I guess my brother threatened him away, I was okay with that, Mike wasn't my type and I hadn't shown interest in many guys in general.

"What is it, Mike? Why the sudden interest?" I say getting irritated. He was the same guy who would let Maria bully me when my brother wasn't around. Now he was worried?

"I just thought-" I interrupt him by turning around and heading to the party. The house was huge, it had multiple windows and floors. I had heard of this house and the apparently legendary parties thrown here. I wasn't completely convinced but now I was sure this place could be just as legendary as people say it was.

As soon as I enter the front door, bodies are all around me moving to the beat that seemed to shake the house's foundations. I smile already feeling my party shoes slipping on. I loved to dance but first I wanted to find my brother so he could introduce me to some people.

I feel pairs of eyes watch me as I make my way through the thrum of people. I close my eyes and inhale the smell of partying, it was no pleasant smell but I did love it. My brother always brought me to his parties and I always was the last to leave the dance floor. Since tonight is my birthday I had every intention of enjoying myself.

I find my brother by the pool's mini bar, his arm sling over Maria. She makes eye contact with me and I see her scan my body again. I ignored her and smiled at the girl standing next to them, she had red hair and huge blue eyes that took me aback when I saw them. They were pretty though.

"Ah yes Candy, this is my sister Aisha." My brother introduces me. I smile warmly and I watch her eyes widen as they take me in.

"So you are the Aisha?" She says ignoring my outstretched hand and pulling me into a hug. I smile over her shoulder at my brother in a questioning manner. When she pulls back I look at her noticing that we are the exact same height, grabbing a plastic party cup she puts it in my hand.

"Darling you are every bit as gorgeous as they say." She says and my eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Who says that?" I say and she laughs and gestures to someone behind me. I hear a whistle and turn around to spot Chase, Oliver, and Mike walking toward us. Chase grabs my hips playfully and leans into my face. He was only a little taller than me, and I have known him since arriving.

"Zaaaamnnnnn, that dress should be an illegal girl." He leans in for a kiss but I turn my face laughing. He was a touchy guy but he wouldn't have actually kissed me, he was cute but often got into a lot of trouble with girls who didn't know his antics.

Once I step away from Chase I smile at Oliver and hugged him around his waist. Oliver was very tall standing about as tall as my father. I only reached his chest and it was intimidating to many people, he also had a nasty scar across his cheek that stood out against his face. But he was a sweetheart and that's all that mattered.

Chase was introduced to candy who was standing patiently to the side. Apparently, this was her house and her parents were aware of what was happening, she said she had free reign as long as no one brought illegal drugs.

After a few minutes of catching up with Chase, Oliver, Candy, and Mike Candy grab my hand and we go inside the darkened house. Music pounds around us and people dance in the large living room. It took my breath away the deeper we walked into the house, a DJ had his set up on the kitchen counter and was playing music through three huge speakers around him.

Candy grabbed two more drinks from the snack table and put them in my hand. The same sweet burn tuns down my throat as I take a long drink, candy starts swishing her hips and tapping her toes on the ground. She smiles at me while I copy her movements. Eventually, I throw my beer to the ground which seemed to be the obvious disposal bin.

Suddenly the song changes and my eyes widen with the familiar beat.

"I love this song!!" I yell and my movements become faster. People make a circle for us to dance and I laugh the whole time. After three more songs, I feel someone's hands snake their way around my waist and hold my hips firmly in their rather large hands. I gasp when I swear my body becomes a little weightless. I see the same thing happen to Candy with a rather tall black guy with super cute dreads dangling just in front of her face. She welcomes the guy enthusiastically before turning her head to look at me.

Her eyes widen and she sticks her tongue out fanning across her face then pointed behind me. I blush nervously and smile back before moving my body to the beat again.

I laugh not caring and push my hips deeper into the person, I feel large hands wrap around my waist even tighter. I was shocked to feel the person guide my hips to his own movements and I easily melt into his rhythm.

I try to look over my shoulder at him but he laughs and leans the other way so I can't see. His laugh was deep and vibrated against my back, instead, I look down at the black pants that stand on opposite sides of my wedges.

Converses and black loose jeans of some sort, with chains, large pockets, and many tags escaping from areas. A strange style but made me all the more curious.

The guy leaned down his lips brushing against my neck, my nose invaded by the smell of weed, cookies, and the beer he had probably abandoned on the ground.

"Now that's one hell of a body~," he says squeezing me closer to him. My heart skipped a beat at those words, somehow this was way too intimate for strangers to be. If I focused hard enough I could feel every dip, curve, and muscle of what had to be some killer abs under his shirt. I look up to see Candy kissing the guy she was dancing with, her smile spreading across her face.

"You want what they are having?" The raspy voice whispers directly in my ear, shivers spread across my body, my hairs standing on end. He leaned down deeper, his cheek brushing against my own. My eyes snap to the side meeting deep grey brownish grey orbs that stare back at me with an intense expression.

The guy chuckles and moves my hips around so that I'm facing him in a quick motion. I'm met with the hottest guy I've ever seen-

 I'm met with the hottest guy I've ever seen-

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