The Zombie

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Chapter Seven

Aisha POV

> ≫ ──── ≪•◦ ✦ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

│ 愛🧟‍♀️Surviving The End🧟‍♂️*.:。 ๑➴੭*ˊᵕˋ੭.    
│༄Survival Supplies

1. Canned Food
2. Durable weatherproof clothing.
3. Working transport
4. Supply bags
5. Water bottles
6. Tents
7. Weapons

│༄ Possible Safe Holds

>Assuming the world has gone to shit, the government would provide safe holds. But reading many books and common knowledge it would be filled with people and people is bad news, stay clear from these areas.

>Underground bunkers could sustain one for a while but may lead to madness.

>Fenced house could work but remember the possibility of other survivors wanting to get in as well.

>Best chances are to completely leave the population and travel into the forests. Find a water source and learn how to hunt as they did in the old ways. Possibly bring a survivor that can work well and hunt.

>Starting with building a house would be proven difficult, the next page explains everything important on how to build a house strong enough to

I close the book wondering what had possessed me to write this when I did. Was it because I had watched walking dead? Perhaps I was afraid without knowing it? The need to carry out the instructions in this book was gripping me like an iron claw.

After a few more minutes of reading about wildflowers and different herbs, I close the book when Candy shifts on the bed. It was only a few hours since we had seen the terrible news. And now we all sit on edge constantly looking and worrying for the people we love.

A sudden crash has me and Candy shoot upright and out the door of my room in seconds.

"What happened?" I ask seeing Chase walking to the kitchen a sudden scream has me freezing in my tracks. Candy bashes into my back sending both of us tumbling down the stairs and to the floor.

When I look up I gasp. In the kitchen stood my neighbor Ms. Beth soaked in blood and pieces of glass shards sticking out of the skin on her arms and legs. Candy stood up quickly screaming before I could as the disfigured little old lady shambled closer to us.

Chase stood closest to the woman although she had her sights directly set on me. No doubt a easy target as I was still frozen still on the floor. My life was flashing before me eyes, with every shaky shamble the woman closed in on me. Her eyes... a once beautiful stunning navy blue now held a dimmer less lively blue color. Dripping from her open maw was saliva upon saliva, her dentals missing making her gums gleam in the light.

The sound coming from her was disgusting. I scooted backwards grabbing a disregarded shoe and flinging at her, the adrenaline rushing through my veins allowing me to rely on instinct and instinct only. Candy continuous screams and Chases hyperventilation filling up the room along with Ms Beth's growls.

The woman tumbles on top of me I was lucky she was smaller than me so it was easy to push her off. I screamed and slammed my foot in her face as I tried to get away.

"Aisha!?" Oliver's face rounded the corner of the room soon followed by my brother and Mike.

"Holy shit-" they say in unison. Luckily for me Mike didn't stop to ask questions he slammed his boot against the ladies head and we all froze as a sickening crunch fills the room.

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