Chapter 8:

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Rimuru met up with Song Yi, Park Hee, and Jin Ho in the usual open space. He unfolded the invisible barrier so no one could feel or see them.

"Rimuru, what are we supposed to do here?" Jin-ho asked.

"Train, what else?" He answered as if it were obvious. "First of all I need to tell you something, you must keep this a secret"

“Will you tell them that, master?” Song Yi already knew what Rimuru was going to explain.

"That's right, but I need you to promise not to say anything"

"We swear!" They both said at the same time.

"Very well, then I will explain what will happen once we start the training. When I woke up as a hunter I got a different kind of power than normal, and it's giving abilities through training.
How does it work? For example, Song Yi; obtained the [Sword Art Apprentice] skill for training with the sword. You will surely get one that goes with its characteristics"

"And how do the skills work?" Park Hee asked.

"Song Yi's skill allows her to learn and improve sword attacks, it's always an upgrade and as the skill rises so does the rank"

“Do you understand why Master wants to keep his ability a secret?” Song Yi asked. "His power would be coveted by all the guilds and he couldn't do what he likes the most, have fun"

"I understand, again I swear to secrecy," Park Hee Jin said bowing.

"I also swear again, nothing you told us will come out of my mouth" He imitated Park's gesture.

"Thank you for understanding"

Once everything was clarified, the training began, rather, hell.

"This is horrible!" Jin Ho yelled, resisting Song Yi's strong attacks.

"I feel like I'm going to pass out!" Park Hee cast buffing spells on Jin Ho and weakening spells on Song Yi at all times.

"Master! I can't feel my arms!” Song Yi yelled as she kept throwing attacks at Jin Ho's shield.

"If you want to be stronger, you must endure it"  Rimuru was passing them mana so that they wouldn't stop at any time.

At night:

"Well done, we're done for today" The 3 of them fell to the ground completely exhausted. "How do you feel?"

"I think... my bones... are broken." Jin Ho replied trying to catch his breath.

"I… I'm going to" Park Hee didn't finish speaking when she started vomiting.

"I'm... hungry," Song Yi said before fainting.

"There's no other way." He threw a potion at each of them. "Drink it, it will make you recover"

Park Hee and Jin Ho were shocked, the exhaustion has gone almost instantly. Rimuru gave Song Yi a drink and the girl woke up.

"Now let's talk about skills, did you manage to get any?" He asked his new students.

"A voice in my head said that I got [Iron Defense]"

"That's good, and you Park Hee?" He asked the magician.

"It told me that I got [Scale Power]," the girl answered.

"I see, [Iron Defense] makes you more resistant, the more you train the more you can endure Jin Ho"

"That's great! The perfect skill for a tank!" Jin Ho cheered.

"Now Park Hee, [Scale Power] is as its name says. The more magic attacks you cast, they'll scale and they'll be empowered"

"That means I'll be an offensive mage." He smiled.

Thus ended the first day of training.

In the demon castle:

Sung was leveling up while collecting souls for the quest, he was already on the tenth floor.

"Assuming this place has 100 floors, it will take me a week to complete it."

Sung's thinking was wrong, while it took him a week to gather all ten thousand demon souls, he only made it to the 75th floor.

By eliminating the boss of the 75th floor, he obtained the recipe for the holy water of life, a potion that cures any disease.

He got two of the three necessary items by defeating the bosses on the 50th and 75th floors.

"It's obvious that the last item is on the 100th floor, but with my current strength I won't be able to do it"

Leaving the castle, he looked for a dagger to buy, the one he had was no longer useful and the one Rimuru gave him could not be used. Therefore, he decided to sell the Order of Greed.

The only problem was, how would an E-rank hunter alone get such a good item?

As a solution, he joined the mining team of the Hunters guild, I would say that he obtained it in a raid as a miner in a rank A portal.

On the training ground:

A week had passed since the beginning of the training, everything was going well. Park Hee Jin had raised her rank to A, and Jin Ho moved up to B, as well as gaining some muscle.

And Song Yi, she was still S rank. Although Rimuru noted that she was not aware of that, perhaps because it forced her to hide her energy.

As Park Hee launched multiple amounts of magic attacks and Jin Ho resisted them, Rimuru called out to Song Yi.

"What's wrong master?"

"I want you to release your energy, to the fullest"

Without protesting, she let her energy explode, it was much more than the time she fought in the red portal.

“M-Master!” Song Yi was excited. "I made it!"

"That's right, now let's test your strength"


Each with katana in hand, the light wind began to tremble as did the stones around them. Song Yi's strong attacks were blocked by Rimuru.

Jin Ho and Park Hee watched the battle, they were still a long way from being on their level.

"Come with everything!" Jin Ho yelled

"That's what I planned!"

More motivated they returned to training, they would not rest until they achieved their goal.

End of Chapter 08


{T/N: The Author Didn't Write the part where Jin-woo Killed the Dungeon boss, Meet Cha He in, etc.}

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