Chapter 8

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(A/N: I know this is the cringest book in all Wattpad but bear with me here.)

:::3rd P.O.V:::
The soldier looked over to the young prince who was asleep under the huge tree, then the figure teleported to the palace "My sire, I have found the prince." The soldier told the red head whom looked back along with his mate then he grinned softly and happily "Well done sendaki please tell us where he is." The man in the orange and yellow hanfu smiled, the soldier now known as sendaki told the couple the coordinates and was dismissed, "I can't believe we can see our son again" the man in Orange sobbed happily and the red head comforted his husband "Yes my love I can't wait, infact we should head now" the man told his partner gleefully and the demon in yellow nodded his head and the teleported to the place where the young prince was resting on the tree. The demon in yellow set a blanket so they don't get dirt on their son and pulled the younger of the three to his lap and began stroking his son's hair gently while the other demon had his hand on the orange and yellow demon's waist while his head was on the other's head, they both fell asleep along with the younger one.

Time skip to next morning

:::??? P.O.V:::
I woke up with my head was on my husband's and my son's head rested in his lap I smiled and caressed my son's cheek to my surprise he leaned to my touch, "morning red"My partner said groggily, I glanced at my partner softly "morning love" I kissed his cheek and nuzzled on his neck. "You should get food I stay with Kai." He suggested now fully awake I felt skeptical about the suggestion but I know my husband will to take no for an answer so I nodded my head a stood and teleported to the palace to get food and packing more things needed.

(??? P.O.V)
I can't feel my legs at this point but it was worth it and started to stroke Kai's hair, I developed the habit when I started dating red when we're younger and my goodness my son's hair is just like red's then he began to stir, he woke up then in an instant he leapt up to his feet and began to bombard me with questions but I know why his doing this so, I answered "you didn't answer my other questions." He told in a 'as-a-matter-of-fact' told I just chuckled softly 'god he's actually grown' I thought sadly "you have to wait till your father get's here." I started calmly and then boom something struck him like a bomb "p-papa?" He mumbled out still frozen from realization "hello my little sunlight" I gently let out and gestured him to take a sit and he strode back to the blanket and sat down trying to get something out when I realized that he wanted a hug since he has a habit of twiddling his thumbs when he wanted a hug but was to scared to ask so I gave him a hug he relax and hugged me back then we heard a twig being cracked "ah shit I missed it I didn't I?" We turn to see my lovely husband asked and my baby suddenly broke the hug much to my dismay and when running to red and hugged him which took him by suprise and they both fell off their feet and to the floor but thankfully the they weren't harmed and surprisly the food aswell I suppressed a laugh and grin by covering my mouth with my hands and red started to return the hug and greet our baby boy because I have a good hearing I managed to pick up the greetings between the both of them "hey sunny" "hi dad" I can see Kai tighten the hugged I saw red struggle to breathe and looked like he's going to faint "love your father needs to breathe" pointed out kai gasped out a sorry and loosen his grip and my husband looks relieved "I goodness you really have your mother's grip" he breathed out "HEY! I AIN'T NO WOMAN!" I shouted clearly offended "technically dear you gave birth to Kai and suffered 9 months of it" stated in the same 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone like Kai used earlier "well technically my love he inherited your attitude dear" I retorted back at them and there was thick yet comfortable silence but got broken by giggling and we glanced at Kai he saw that eyes were on him and clear his throat "sorry I didn't mean to" he quickly mumbled out but we weren't angry but instead we laughed "it's ok my Lil ray of sunshine" I muttered to Kai "now why don't we catch up." I offered Kai and my husband agreed and brought the food and placed it on the blanket "so can you tell me what's your name now?" Kai asked "Of course my son my name is-"

900 hundred words!
(A/N:Cliffhanger btw I going to post a q and a for those who want to ask about me so please. Chat me or comment on this chapter and also I posting my headcanons and things about my Au so stay turned!)

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