The Big Move...

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Two weeks!

At my apartment!


I gave a fake laugh and even stiffer smile as I peeked over my shoulder at Eric who walked behind me to my darn apartment.

Why on earth did I say yes? I scolded myself internally. But how could I say no to my boss? I blinked hard as I looked ahead seeing my front door coming into view down the hall. Sugar! I hoped my apartment was tidy enough. My mind scrammed to remember if I packed my underwear away in my drawer and threw my dirty clothes in the washing basket.

I bit my bottom lip.

Eric already had his suitcase packed. An officer form IRS accompanied him to collect a few items and came here straight after.

Is the fridge stocked with groceries? Yes! I did shop three days ago. I shook my head. This was not an ideal situation.

Eric was close behind as I opened the front door. I stepped into my apartment and waved him inside. Eric sauntered in with his suit jacket and suitcase in hand. His green eyes darted around my small apartment, heating my cheeks from his strong gaze.

What the heck was he thinking?

My eyes scanned my living room and open-planned kitchen in the corner. Everything was neat and tidy. Like I expected. I never leave my place dirty. Why would I even doubt myself? I thought proudly. Always ready for visitors. But visitors never came. Eric was my first one and nerves swam in my tummy.

He dropped his suitcase and loosened his tie and the first two buttons of his blue shirt. "Your place is so small..." he frowned. "It's the size of my master bedroom. Very odd."

I blinked hard and long. "Yes, Eric. I told you I live in a one-bedroom apartment on our way here." With frustration building inside, I said as calmly as possible. "I told you it won't be to your big or expensive taste. You should've stayed at a hotel."

Eric huffed out. "But clean... and cozy." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, thank you. Some of us little people live on a budget."

"Nonsense. I pay you double." He argued.

I shook my head. What does Eric know about living expenses? and tossed my bag on the living room table and stretched out my arms. It was an exhausting day.

"Well..." Eric spoke behind me. "Aren't you going to show me around your place?" he asked with an arched brow. "I mean, I am going to stay here for two weeks." He seemed unsure as he glanced around the place. But what was there to show him? He saw it all except the bathroom and my bedroom. Oh, sugar! One bathroom! The fact suddenly occurred. We're going to share one bathroom!

"Okay." I threw up my hands. "Let me show you around." Eric clasped his hands behind his back a followed close behind. I could spot his eyes checking my family picture frames hanging on the wall and choice of paint color as we walked by.

"This is the bathroom." I pointed out at the lavender tiled space with a single shower and bath in one. The sink with a toilet opposite it.

Eric crossed his arms and placed his index finger over his mouth. "Wait, there's only one bathroom here." He narrowed his eyes.

I nodded my head. "Yup. We'll be sharing."

Eric blinked hard and moved on to the room beside it. I pushed passed him to beat him to the punch and opened my bedroom door. "Here's the bedroom." I leaned against the door. A soft, warm breeze swayed through the curtains into my room. Eric darted his eyes to my dressing table that was neatly arranged with my hairpins and brushes. The single chest of drawers and the flowery wallpaper that I plastered last month on the wall against my bed.

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