Shit Hits the Fan!

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"What?!" I blurted to Carson.

"Your assets are being frozen as we speak, Eric." Carson rubbed his forehead. The sweat trickling down his bald head. We stood in his office, and I couldn't believe his words. I received the disturbing call this morning from him with the alarming news.

I stepped up closer to the nervous general manager and narrowed my eyes. "What the fuck do you mean my assets are frozen, Todd?" I spoke the words slow and lethal.

Carson sighed. He flung his hands in the air I defeat. "I mean, that all your business and personal accounts are on ice. Your home. Your three cars and holiday home in Siesta Key. They're all frozen! You can't use or go there."

"You're fucking joking." I laughed in bewilderment. "How the hell is this happening?!"

"I wish I were joking, Eric. But shit just hit the fan." He sighed, his fingers pulled off his spectacles, and he wiped it with his tie, a habit he did whenever he got nervous. "The IRS picked up irregularities in the audit last year." He swallowed hard. "And they're targeting you. Apparently, documents were found with your name and signature on it."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What the fuck! My name?"

Carson nodded solemnly. "Apparently, you signed off for a lot of money, big cash transfers from the Bolt Investments' various accounts. They saw a few receipts for big purchases like yachts, gambling, and paid vacations to Monaco."

I frowned with my mouth agape, shaking my head dumbfounded. "I didn't do shit or any of those fucking things accused of!" I said. "This is bullshit!"

"Here are the documents." Carson handed me the thick file that I have never seen in my life. I flipped through it. Witnessing accounts where money was transferred from Bolt Investment banks to an undisclosed account number. THE HELL NOT MINE! But all under my name. All the transactions were under Eric FUCKING Bolton.

"Fuck!" I muttered. Panic rose within me. "This shit ain't mine."

"I know, Eric." Carson agreed. "Somebody must have hacked through our account systems and committed fraud."

"Or worse... somebody at this company is committing damn fraud and embezzling right under our nose." I gritted my teeth. "And daring to use my fucking name."

Carson nodded sadly. "Yes, it's very possible. Even though I don't want to think it." He sighed. "That means all the employees need to be evaluated."

I nodded with a tightened jaw. "Does my father know?"

"Yes. He's in a meeting with the IRS right now. They're going to do an interview with you later."

I slammed the file of papers against Carson's desk and breathed in deep. "What the fuck is to be done now? I could go to jail if this shit if my name is not cleared."

"I know. But don't worry, Eric. We're on it." He assured.

"Don't worry. Don't worry, you say." My voice dripping with sarcasm. He didn't have his good name on the line. Nobody at this company did except me... for shit I didn't commit!

"Eric," Carson shrugged his shoulders, trying to calm me down. "Where are you going?" He asked as I marched to the doors, opening it swiftly.

"To my dear old papa." I snapped. "Since he'll leave me out to burn for the company."

I marched across the office floor. Everything seemed like normal. Everyone carried on with their work as usual, but I could feel the undertone of whispers coming my way from a few eyes glancing up. I was used to the looks, but hopefully the employees didn't know what the fuck was going on in top management.

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