Chapter 32

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I was reeling. 

Disappointment, failure, anger swept over me. I clicked my phone, ending the call that setback Bolt Investments by half a million dollars. I fucking lost the William's deal. I held the phone tight between my white-knuckled fingers. My mind thinking of how to rectify this fucked up situation. How could I allow the competition to sweep a rug right under us? I was so confident he was happy investing with us.

I blew out a hard breath and placed my head in my hands. My father. His gonna be pissed as fuck!

Harper opened the doors and swooped into my office; her bag tucked under her arm. "Hey, I'm leaving the office to check out a wedding gift for Mr. Carson." She smiled. "See you later?"

I hadn't paid attention to what she'd said. My mind still muddled from the news.

"Eric? Are you okay?" She asked gently.

I looked up and hadn't heard she'd approached closer. She stood in front of where I was seated. A concerned frown on her face.

I shook my head. "I lost Mr. Williams as a client." I said tightly.

"Oh gosh. I thought he was a sure bet." She said.

"Yeah well. Shit happens." I replied, feeling disappointed as fuck in myself.

My phone vibrated on my desk. I dreaded to look. I checked my phone and my fear came to life.


It was my fucking father. He probably got the news and wanted to lecture me what a pathetic failure I was. I wasn't in the fucking mood. Not now! Later, I can get a fucking lecture about what a disappointment I am later.

I ignored the call. I needed to distract my mind.

"Where you're going?" I asked Harper quickly again.

"To the home and garden store. To pick out a gift for Mr. Carson?" She frowned.

"Perfect! I'll come with you."

Harper blinked. "Oh, okay..." She said slightly surprised.


We arrived at the home décor store. Harper and I got out the Mercedes Benz and walked through the large doors. The place was huge with a high ceiling. Various chandeliers and lighting fixtures hung. You could shop anything for a home here. From bedroom furniture to cooking appliances.

Harper and I strolled past the curtains and rugs. My mind not really focused on searching for a gift. Unlike Harper, she looked like she was in her element.

"Look at this," Harper pointed happily to a multi-colored braided rug. "Jake would love this! He could even use it for yoga."

Her eyes popped open, and she moved swiftly towards the scatter cushions and gasped. She grabbed hold of the 'ocean friends' one and hugged it. "He'll love this too. It's so ocean-y!"

What the fuck was going on here? My eyes trailed her as she went from bedding to kitchenware.

"Oh my gosh! Jake will love this plant pot. He can grow his ferns in." She sang.

Everything she picked out was all recycled and eco-friendly shit. I was getting annoyed.

I grabbed a re-usable bottle that stood on a shelf next to me and dramatically presented it to Harper. "And this is where Jake will slurp all his green juice shit in." I mocked sarcastically as I slapped my heart for a dramatic effect.

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