Chapter 37

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"What a day." I breathed out as I entered my apartment's front doors.

The sound of music blasted from the TV. The smell of pine filtered up my nose and roast chicken wafted from the kitchen. I scanned around the apartment. Everything was spotless and clean. The carpet had just been vacuumed, the furniture dusted and everything neatly packed.

Wow, Stacey really worked the place. I raised my brows, feeling impressed and loved for a change. I kicked off my heels while placing my notepad down by the front door, and moved to the kitchen. The dishes washed and stacked away, not a plate in the metallic sink. A hot silver pot sat on the stove, I lifted the glass lid, and steam hit me, creamy mash potatoes lumped in it.

I licked my lips; I could definitely get used to this. Coming home to deliciousness every day. This is how a husband must feel like after a shitty long day on the grind. I giggled at the thought. Stacey's cooking made me feel instantly better from the crappy argument I had with Eric today.

I sighed at the thought, the argument still stung. Eric and I didn't talk after that, he was away from the office all day. But I realized I couldn't complain to him about my work. I was his assistant. I guess I just wanted someone to blame, but the blame was on me.

"Hey cuz!" Stacey grinned. She came bouncing up from the hallway. Her backpack and suitcase dragged behind her.

I frowned as she set it aside by the door, along with her backpack. She turned around and saw my head tilted.

"You're leaving?" I asked.

She sighed, pulling her shoulders up. "Yip. Finally, huh." She murmured. "I guess I need to fess up cuz, and let you know the real reason I stayed this long."

I crinkled my nose and crossed my arms against my chest. "Okay."

She chewed her lips and gazed at the floor. "I failed all my classes in college. I've decided to quit it and not go back." She began. "And I'm afraid to let my folks know. That's why I didn't want to go back to Canada."

Somehow, I wasn't shocked to hear this.

"Stacey, you have to let your parents know." I said.

She shrugged and dragged her eyes from the kitchen floor, to look at me. "How do I let them know I wasted all their cash, because I wasn't serious about studying to begin with?"

"Sure, they'll be upset at first. But you got to think seriously about what you want to do with your future." I advised.

She nodded. "Yeah, you're right. That's why I got a cheap one-way plane ticket to Canada leaving tonight." She added. "I have to figure things out back home instead."

"So soon. I just got used to you." I grumbled. "But I understand. You need to do what's best for you."

She chuckled. "We can say our sad goodbyes later. But first let's have our last supper together."

I faked cried. We sat around the kitchen table tucking into our last dinner together. I talked about my breakup with Jake and the argument with Eric and how we didn't speak after.

"Violet. You need to set boundaries with him, even if you're his assistant. He can't take over your life like that." She said seriously. "If you don't, I think you should leave the company. There's other jobs out there."

I nodded. "You right." I uttered, as I played mindlessly poking my mash with a fork.

Twenty minutes later, I stood at the front door, holding tight onto Stacey in a deep embrace. "I don't want you to go." I whined.

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