Nozel Silva × Reader : Power

Start from the beginning

The walls are in ornate grey with magnificent inscriptions. In the middle of the wall in front of you was the logo of the Silver Eagle squad. The furniture around you is well placed and fits the vibe of the office of one of the best squads in Clover Kingdom, from the bookshelves to the small coffee table, and the desk placed in the middle.

Behind it is the mighty captain of the Silver Eagles. He eyes you briefly before averting his eyes towards the other present people in the room.

And who happen to be his siblings, Nebra and Solid.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the almost magicless wizard (L/n) (Y/n)." Nebra starts then giggles, "I'm surprised you've been chosen to be part of this mission." She continues with a cocky smirk.

You just stare blankly at her to avoid any consequences.

"To think about it, I think your beauty is what got you into the magic knights more than your magic itself." Solid follows with a similar cocky, seductive smirk as his eyes travel up and down your figure.

You shift nervously at his intense gaze.

"Enough." One word breathed from Nozel and the two siblings cower away from you.

A knock mercifully interrupts the growing awkward silence around the room.

"Come in." Nozel says with usual firmness.

"Sir." Rob enters the room and salutes, not missing the way his eyes drift into your figure before going back into his captain, "All prepations are ready. We are ready to leave whenever you wish, sir."

Nozel nods at him before moving his eyes to look at the four of you standing in front of him.

"We have been tasked by the wizard king to inspect a dangerous dungeon around the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom. Specifically at the borders between the Clover and Heart Kingdom." He eyes you.

"Reports suggest that the dungeon is intense with enormous and lethal mana zone. The stronger the mana is around the dungeon, the more valuable its treasures are. Our goal is to retrieve whatever treasure we find and come back safely."

You nod at his order.

"Well this is going to be easy." Nebra comments with a smirk.

"And fun." Solid follows with a mischievous grin towards you.

The look almost sends shiver down your spine.

It would have, had you been weak.

"You have five minutes to prepare. We leave after that." Nozel says, dismissing you all.

You leave the office without a complaint nor an expression of enthusiasm. You have been into dungeons before and you have been lucky to get back in one piece.

So to hear from Nozel that this dungeon might be the most dangerous and lethal yet, it makes you wonder if you'd be lucky this time. Not to forget that this is the first time you will be joined in the same mission with Nozel and his siblings.

Nervousness is, therefore, the underestimation of the year.

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