God Is A Woman

60 11 15

You, you love it how I move you
You love it how I touch you, my one.
When all is said and done
You'll believe God is a woman.

And I, I feel it after midnight
A feelin' that you can't fight my one,
It lingers when we're done
You'll believe God is a woman.


"So," Ember popped a can of beer and stared at her teammates curiously, "Thor has, all of a sudden, left for Asgard and no one knows why. Not even Loki."

"That's right." Bruce nodded and took a forkful of salad in his mouth.

Steve hummed absent minded, tongue sticking out a bit as he continued with his sketching.

"And no one's curious?" Ember asked again, frowning.

Rose leaped on the dining table and mewed loudly at her for attention. Ember scratched behind the tiny black ears and the cat purred happily.

"We don't meddle in the Asgardian business, Flamey." Tony yawned, rubbing his eyes. "By the way, who's preparing the dinner?"

"Order something. I ain't making." Bucky muttered and Clint joined in, nodding.

"Steve, it's your turn today!" Tony yelled.

Steve scowled, annoyed at having being disturbed from his peaceful sketching session. "Of course not! I made it just yesterday!"

"I want Chinese." Clint piped in. "Pizza too. Pineapple toppings-"

"We are the Avengers! We should try eating healthy!" Bruce objected.

"Don't start with it again, mean green bean!"

Ember sighed, shaking her head as the males in the room started to bicker like middle aged women at their tea party. She picked Rose up and headed out of the room only to crash into Nat.

Rose jumped out of Ember's arms, hissing and disappeared down the corner.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Natasha apologized as the bickers turned to yellings inside, and then eyed the silk nightgown Ember was wearing. "Oh wow."

Ember grinned. "It's been ages I wore a nightgown. I had almost forgotten how comfortable they are."

"Or how good they look on you." Natasha clicked her tongue. "Sister, you look fiiine."

"Oh stop." Ember chuckled, swatting Nat's shoulder with her covered hand. "You should try one too."

"Yeah maybe someday." Nat shrugged. "Where are you headed to?"

"Uh the library actually. To pass some time till they decide on the dinner-"

"I'm afraid the library isn't the right place for you right now." Natasha smiled in an apologetic way.

Ember blinked. "Huh?"

"Umm yeah. Loki is kind of occupying the space you know." Natasha waved her hands delicately.

Ember blinked again. "Well, we have often shared the library spots together. I'd love his company-"

"He's in there with his new girl actually." Natasha winced. "Kind of heated mome-"

"His new what?" Ember scowled.

"His new girlfriend, maybe. You," Natasha stopped with a frown, "you didn't know?"

Ember shook her head slowly, ears buzzing. "No..."

"Okay whatever. Why should we care?" Natasha shrugged. "Right sis?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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