The Golden Glowing Runes

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"Wane?" Ember knocked at the door. "I'm with your breakfast."

As she had expected, she didn't get any response.

Pushing open the door she found the room dark, windows closed and the air gloom.

"C'mon little sis, you need some sunlight." Ember placed the tray on the desk and quickly flung opened the windows, sunlight flooding in. "A new day for you."

But when she turned towards the bed, her heart dropped.

Wane was sitting, knees pressed against her chest and hands wrapped around herself. The blue slanted eyes were dull and puffy, indicating that she had been crying.

"Winny..." Ember sighed and sat beside her. She took her hand in hers and squeezed but she didn't know what to say.

Everything seemed wrong at the moment.

"How about you have your favourite breakfast and then you, me and Noah would watch our favourite childhood Disney movies?" She tried cheering her up, her voice lilting. "And we can play truth and dare and I'll make you your favourite butter popcorn-"

Wane slid out her hand from her hold.

Ember's throat tightened. "I'm sorry that you had to go through all those things alone. I'm-I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you." She took a deep breath, reaching out to hold Wane's hand again.

Wane slowly faced her, face pale and sick.

"But I made sure the man paid for it." Ember smiled grimly. "I took the hands that assaulted you. And I promise you Wane," she squeezed her hand, "I will kill any-fricking-one who dares to lay a wrong gaze at you, leave alone a finger."

Wane remained silent but she was trembling now, with blubbering sobs that erupted from her throat.

Ember reached out to hug her but she flinched, sobbing loudly, shaking her head. "Please leave me alone!"

Ember wished she had made that man suffer a bit more.

Someone knocked at the door and Noah peeked in, his usual cheery face now white with worry and tiredness.

He saw Wane sobbing and looked away, feeling the tears threatening to spill out. "Ember..."

"Yes?" Ember gave him a helpless look, getting down from the bed.

"Loki's here."

For a moment, everything blanked.

Loki is here.

Oh the devil's treachery, how will I face him?

She hadn't got a wink of sleep last night, tossing and turning in the bed, her mind shamelessly and effortlessly drifting off to the kiss they had shared, the moment she had lost herself to him.

And a sob from Wane brought her back to the present.

She reached the door and stepped out, finding Loki standing at the hallway, staring at the cute photos of the siblings arranged on the shelves.

Ember patted Noah's back and walked into the hall catching his attention.

She saw him look at her and his pale cheeks turned pink.

He blushes too? That's new!

Loki cleared his throat, a basket of unseasonal fruits in his hand and the other holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I didn't expect you here." Ember said after a moment of silence.

"I wanted to check how you- I-I mean Wane's doing." Loki stammered, smiling weakly.

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