The Rescue

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It had started snowing.

The crescent moon hung in the cloudy sky, as if enjoying the game of peekaboo.

A beautiful night but Ember wasn't aware of it. Not when she was busy staring aimlessly at the grey ceiling.

They had dropped her in this cold cell and wrenched away a diamond ring from her finger. She didn't care about it, didn't know why she was wearing that ring in the first place.

She hadn't moved since they left. She didn't dare to move a finger, scared that the pain will return.

The pain.

She had decided, she would do anything to escape that pain.

Her head was practically empty.

She tried recalling what had happened to her, her name, anything... anything about herself but she recieved no answer. Nothing.

And it was driving her nuts.

Ember wanted to bang her head on the wall till it cracks, scream and scream cuz everything was so foreign and new and strange to her- her own body seemed distant to her.

But she didn't dare to pull any of those stunts.

What if they come again and tie her up?

So, Ember Swan lay on the cold hard floor, immobile and silent.

But the silence didn't last long as the whole corridor blared up with sirens, too loud that it startled the girl who thought this might be her call of death.

She pushed herself to a sitting position, letting out a shriek of pain as raw agony shot up through her burnt blistered feet and palms. With choked sobs, she dragged herself to the farthest corner of the room and curled into a tight ball, praying that no one sees her here.

Men yelled and cursed, sometimes talking in some language she didn't know and she didn't want to. She wanted to know nothing except that she needed to keep herself safe and away from that pain.

That cruel death-craving pain.

Ember waited, huddled in that corner, shivering a little when suddenly the silence dropped again. No voices were heard. Nothing. As if everyone had stranded her here all alone.


She decided, letting out a choked laugh.

Her stomach rumbled loudly and she winced. The hunger in her was making her feel dizzy. She tried recalling the last time she ate something but couldn't.

"Maybe-maybe if I get a carrot-" she stopped abruptly, ears perking up.

Someone was nearing her cell. Unmistakable soft footsteps, she could hear them clearly.

Ember pressed her back further against the wall and closed her eyes, holding her breath.

The footsteps stopped. Someone inhaled sharply making her jerk in fear.

"I think I've got her." Came a voice- a woman's.

Ember opened her eyes, still not breathing.

It was a redhead, a forced smile on face as she took a cautious step towards Ember. "Hey there. I'm Wanda, a friend of the Avengers." The smile grew. "You're safe now."

Ember blinked, pushing herself further against the wall if it was even possible.


Wanda frowned delicately, taking a step further. Ember let out a growl in warning.

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