Unpredictable Emotions

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Ember picked up the kitten before it could scratch her door again. "Why are you so mischevious, huh?" She cradled Rose in her arms and scratched behind ear.

Rose purred, hitting her arm with that fluffy black tail.

"Let's see what the God of mischief is doing and then you can have some milk powder." She kissed the kitty on head and stepped out of the room.

Ember knocked at the door thrice before a muffled answer came.

She twisted the knob and entered the room finding Loki pulling out his clothes from wardrobe.

"Good morning snowman." Ember smiled, the kitten leaping out of her hand and on to the bed.

Loki returned the smile widely. "Good morning darling. You wanna say something?"

"No... I just wanted to know what you were doing right now." She shrugged, sitting on the bed. "I thought we can join for breakfast together."

"Oh sure!" Loki nodded, grinning. "Wait for ten minutes, will you? I'll be back after a quick shower."

"Okay!" She yawned and looked around the room, at the beautifully painted canvases stacked neatly against the walls and books on the desk. "Do I have the permission to go through some books?"

"Feel free please." He winked before stepping in the bathroom.

Ember grinned happily at the door and then at the kitten before leaping up and walking towards the desk. She hummed, studying each books, all so thick and big, some not even in the languages she knows.

Rose mewed loudly, scratching her leg and then sprinted out of the room.

"Dang! The guy's a bookworm!" She huffed, eyes halting on a particular book, with colorful cover. "This must be a storybook." She pulled it but a old looking book came out with it and dropped on the floor with a thump.

"Oopsie!" She hurriedly picked the leather bounded book up and realised it was a diary. "He keeps a journal too?"

Flipping through the pages, she gawked at his handwriting. "Is this handwritten or what? How come someone's handwriting is so good!" And giggled. "I shouldn't invade his privacy."

She was about to close the journal and stuff it in the stack but stopped when a particular word caught her attention.

"Matt? Why is his name written in Loki's journal?" Ember frowned, now reading each words with growing curiosity. "Wait... Isn't this my writings?"

She flipped the pages more aggressively, each one replacing the confusion with anger, the flame guttering in response.

Every word, every sentence of the feelings she had jotted down in her journal was now in this old diary, in his handwriting.

Realising that her privacy has been invaded in one of the most disgusting manner, given that all she wrote was from deep inside her heart, Ember felt utterly vulnerable and naked.

And immensely betrayed.

She didn't know how much time she was standing silently, staring blankly at the old journal when the bathroom door opened and Loki stepped out, all dressed up and whistling.

His whistling immediately stopped when he saw her grabbing his journal in a tight grip, eyes boring into his with silent rage.

Oh shit!

"How could you?" She whispered hoarsely, lifting up the journal, smoke curling in her mouth. "How dare you?"

"Let's not jump into conclusions, okay?" Loki raised his hands, trying not to egg her. "Just hear me out."

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