A Cake Loving Freak

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"Good morning sleeping beauty!"

Ember groaned, mumbling to get away but the person continued to pat and poke her head. She blinked open her eyes and yawned. "What?" And then stopped in mid-yawn.

It was Bucky grinning at her.

Ember sprang up in a sitting position, eyes taking in the unfamiliar room. "This isn't my room."

"Yeah, cause it's mine." Bucky shrugged, combing back his hair. "I hated to wake you up but it was important."

Ember, embarrassed, stood up. "I'm so sorry... Did I do something-?"

"If by something you meant slapping the devil out of me when I was sleeping then yes." Bucky gave her a dead face.

Ember winced. "Shit. That must have hurt."

"Hurt!?" Bucky laughed. "Girl, I literally died in fright!"

Her face went red. "I'm extremely sorry oh damn I don't even know what to-"

"Yeah that's fine." Bucky cut her off, putting on his leather jacket. "If you want you can go back to sleep after we leave. You look tired."

"Leaving? Who is leaving? Where? Why?"

Bucky flexed his metal arm, wiggling his fingers. "Me, Tony and Loki are leaving for a mission. Some terrorist craps and all. The rest have an important meeting arranged with the 'I don't give a shit'."

"Oh. Okay." Ember tried stuffing her hands in pockets but realised she had none in her pants. Promising herself she would throw this useless thing away, she asked. "When are you guys leaving?"

"When Loki decides he looks presentable enough to fight some bastards." Bucky scoffed. "We can leave then."

Ember snorted. "He's such a peacock." And then realised she still looked like a bedbug. "I should get refreshed."

"Mhmm you should." He nodded and kissed her head.

Ember blinked, surprised again but stepped up and hugged him. "All the best. Take care."

"Thanks." He returned the hug and she left, planning to rush into her room before anyone could stop and start a conversation with her.

"And today's a big day." She said to herself, putting back the toothbrush. "For me."

Brushing her hair in a messy way, the golden lowlights bringing out her eyes, she smeared some gloss on her lips, put on a floral shirt and white pants and rushed down to bid them bye.

"All the best for your mission and I hope the meeting isn't too boring for you rest." She waved, departing them.

"And I hope you don't try to pull any stunts again." Loki whispered in her ear making her jump.

"Holy shit!" She gasped, turning around and smacked his arm. "Prick!"

"There's nothing holy about my shit, darling." He smirked, dipping his head in a low bow. "Aaand where's my 'best of luck' speech'?"

She frowned, scrunching up her nose. "You need speeches? Wow! I thought you had enough confidence stored in your arse for the whole team!"

"Well... I do have confidence." He shrugged. "But luck is important. Without luck, I can be laying dead there and how sad-"

"Damn it! Stop talking like that!" She hissed, slapping his arm. "You aren't gonna die!"

"Ask the rest. I'm very good at dying." He grinned but Ember didn't look impressed.

"Come back dead and there would be no one to turn into a dragon to save me." She patted his chest.

"Wow. Hey don't take that so seriously!" He laughed nervously. "I was just kidding."

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