A Moment Of Fantasy

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Ember finished the bottle of bourbon and clinked it with Edith's wine glass, chuckling.

"You're gonna get a terrible hangover gurl." Edith huffed watching Ember pour herself a shot.

"Aah I don't care." She downed the vodka with a wince. "I don't get drunk that easily. High alcohol resistance."

"Lucky you." Edith smiled. "But still, this much alcohol isn't good Ember. By the way, did you talk to Wane?"

"Well...no." Ember finished her third shot, wincing. "She did something which I didn't like a bit so you can say we are going through a rough time."

"Loki told me about it." Edith frowned. "I think she did the right thing. You needed to get that weight off your chest."


"Tell me if I'm wrong but aren't you feeling a hell lot better? Lighter?" Edith asked.

Ember nodded. "Yeah..."

"That's it then." Edith shrugged.

"What's up gurls!" Candy leaped up from behind, taking them in for a quick hug. "Planned on getting drunk without the party girl?"

Ember grinned, happy seeing Candy getting along with her. "Not gonna lie, I was thinking about you."

"I'm flattered." Candy fluttered her lashes and winked. "Pass me a shot."

"Am I being left out?"

Edith and Ember turned to find Rick smiling at them, all suit up and combed.

Edith groaned softly, whining. "Why is this dick here?" Ember hummed in response, trying not to show her displeasure.

"Baby!" Candy beamed, standing on her toes to kiss him. "Come! Drink with me!"

"Sure!" Rick grinned, tilting his head towards Ember, eyeing her from bottom to top, eyes lingering over her chest and neck.

Ember scowled, uncomfortable and looked away.

The shots came and they downed it in a go. Soon, Candy and Edith were called away by Natasha leaving Ember alone with Rick.

After the fifth round, when Ember reached for her shot, Rick grabbed it, his hand on top of hers.

Ember shivered, eyes flashing. "You should stop what you are doing."

Rick smiled lazily. "And what am I doing exactly?"

"You're being a dick." Ember snapped. "You have a girl to love. Stop being an asshole and walk away."

"Uff!" Rick winced, reaching out to brush a finger over her clenched knuckles. "Has anyone told you how sexy you look when you're angry?"

"I don't know about being sexy but," smoke curled in her mouth, "I've been told I can be pretty hot when provoked."

"Ah c'mon sexy!" Rick whined. "She doesn't need to know!"

Ember ignored him and turned to walk past him when he grabbed her wrist. "Baby just a night!"

Ember turned around, wrenched away her hand from his hold. "The only reason you're still breathing is because I'm not allowed to kill you." And walked away.

Edith caught her on the way to her room. "Where are you going?"

"To my room. My head's buzzing." Ember huffed. "And tell Candy to stay away from that creep of a boyfriend. He's an iconic asshole."

Leaving Edith confused, she walked away.

Whistling to herself, she turned around the corner and staggered clutching her head. "Ugh! Drank a bit too much I guess." She grumbled, steadied herself holding the wall and started walking.

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